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Armani POV

Me and Aleza were given a room next to Sofia's room, It was currently 8:30pm and only me aleza and some others were awake

"Psst." .... "Psssttt" ...... "Psssssstttttt", "What! Armani!" Aleza yelled

"Not so loud but anyways can you come with me to the kitchen please?" I asked

"No." She refused


"No buts your gonna have to face him one way or another, why did u even join if you can't do that" I sighed since she was right


I grabbed my shorts slipped them also my slippers then grabbing my cover and heading out

" Do u want anything?" I asked

"Gummy Bears. That's it" I nodded and headed out

I closed the door behind me and started my way to the kitchen the light was on so I guess someone was in there

I walked to the archway of the kitchen and saw luca sleeping silently my mind immediately said retreat but my stomach said go forward so I went

Silently tip-toeing I made it to the candy cabinet, I grabbed the gummy bears and heated up some milk and pizza rolls

I open the microwave before it hits one to ignore that annoying beep

After cooking the pizza rolls and grabbing my milk and Aleza gummy bears I grab the food off the counter before turning around and not seeing Luca no more, I just shrug it off

I feel a figure behind me and my body freezes,
"Why are you ignoring me" A husky voice says from behind me making me shiver

"Luca can you move from behind me, your making me uncomfortable" I whisper

He groans, "Dammit Mani, why are you doing this to me?" He questioned his tall build making me feel short and I shrink

"L-Luca can you move so I can bring A-Aleza her food" I stutter

He sighs and backs off, "Fine!, Do whatever you want" He goes back to the chair he was previously on

I grab the food and glance at him once more before heading but upstairs

Why?, Why am i still afraid of him?, Why am 'I' doing this to him!?, Forget him! He did this to me! He choked me!

I reach the room and gives Alexa her gummy bears, I ate my pizza rolls and drunk my milk

Once I was done I put my dishes down stairs, Luca was still there but I ignored him and went back to the room

Once I got comfortable I started drifting off to sleep worried about the situation with Sofia and Luca

After thinking my mind shut off and I drifted off into a dreamless dream...

Is this short?, Please let me know

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