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Lorenzo pov

Me and my ally Romario(Ro-meh-ri-o) was coming from the bakery and went to the car that we had parked in the ally way of the bakery so we wouldn't draw attention

Because a black car? In-front of a bakery to sketchy we sat there for a few mins eating our donuts before a car drove by slowly

And that was weird but the thing I also noticed was the zip tie on the car and that tactic is from sextrafficking cause who In they right mind will randomly put a zip tie on they car

I turn the car on and went to the side of the bakery not far from the alley and I see a girl about in her early 20's?

And she goes into a ran down but also decent looking apartment but later comes out with scissors to cut the zip tie

'Wrong move' I thought to myself "Hey Rio you seeing this?" I asked him "See what?" He asks

"That girl just cut a zip tie of her car" I explain "Ok?" He says

"Thats the first tactic of a sex-trafficker" I say,
"Oh shit!" He says and watches them with me

Later the same girl comes out but with a women who appears to be in her late 20s-Early 30s

And the girl seems to be rushing trying to get in the car and the lady looks back to the car and Romario tenses

"What's wrong" I ask, "That's my wife" He sighs

"What! You had a wife? Why didn't you tell me?" I yell

"Yep and I have to kids a daughter and son which is them" He chuckles "Oh how she grew up" He sighs

"There back" I say as I move up closer, "And there's a boy with them now" I say

"Yep that's my son" He explains

"She seems to know we're here" He says, "No the car is tinted no one can see inside" I explain

"I guess we wait I don't have nothing important to do all my men go it if they don't imma just slice the heads off" I say before leaning back getting comfy in the car

He chuckles "You was always so ruthless Lorenzo" He said before leaning back with me and I just smirk

Few Hours later

I just got off the phone with my men and they said everything was sorted out and I responded with a good cause I dont feel like getting blood on my hands

Then Romario gets out the bakery "Did they come out yet?" He asks handing me my coffee

"Not at all I moved up more so we can have a clearer picture" I say typing on my computer, "I could see were basically kinda in-front of the bakery now" He chuckles

All of a sudden we see a black van drive up in-front of they house and about 10-20 men hop out

"What the fuck is going on" I said sounding angry, "I don't know" He responds

A few minutes later all the men come out holding them, The women is passed out cold along with the son and The girl is trying to beat the men up the girl Then stares at the car and I feel like we made eye contact

Romario on the other hand is holding back trying not to hop out and kill somebody his knuckles are white from holding the passenger board and his body is tense from seeing his wife out cold and his kids

"Them mother fuckers" He says threw gritted teeth, I took a screenshot of the license plate on both the van before it speeds off and her car so I can look into her

"I got the license plate and we need to make plans for our next moves cause these guys are professionals I've been trying to track them down" I say

"Good I will kill every one of those motherfuckers and if they lay one hand of any of them there losing the hands before anything else" Romario say

I just chuckle "of course you can be the first to torture them" I say with a smile before driving off

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