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Sofia POV

[ In Carolina ]

We been In Carolina for a year already the triplets have been born and their now 2 years old

I decided to name them Amaria,Alessandro,And Alexander

Currently, I was up and making breakfast for my beautiful babies and Sariah

It was currently 7:30 in the morning and the kids had to be to daycare by 9:30-10 o'clock so I woke up early so we won't have to go to McDonald's

I'm cooking the most basic breakfast ever, Scrambled eggs,Bacon,Sausage and Grits w/ orange/apple juice

By the time I was done I hear 4 feet running down stairs, 3 Small ones 1 Big one

I chuckle, "Food!" They all scream, "Yes,Yes. Food Now go wash your face and brush your teeth

"But mama" The Triplets whine, "Yes kids go do what your mother said" Riah explained

"You to" I could of swear her jaw was on the floor, "But Sof come on"

I sent them a glare before they all ran back upstairs, "Big baby" I giggled


They came back down within seconds their plates all laid out from the biggest to the littlest, they hair was all a mess and they clothes jumbled up

"Ok so they kids have to be to school by 9:30/10, you work by 8 and I go in at 11/12"
I say as I do María hair while she's eating

"Mommy you make me pwetty?" I nod, "Your already pretty baby but yes and don't talk with your mouth full." She nods and goes back to eating her eggs

"Mama!" The boys yell, "Yes boys?" "Don't make her pretty she's trying to show off to Vani!" They have a mad look on their face while aria covers her face

"Oooo, Who's Vani aria?" I giggle, "N-Nwone" She's as red as a tomato, "Boys would you like to have a play date with vani?" I ask and their face lights up

"YES!" "NO!"

"Mama whyyyy!" Aria whines, "Yes!, Mama pleaseee!" I'm between a toddler debate, "Ask for their parent number then I'll arrange something ok?" I smile

"Yes mama!" The boys eat faster before clearing their plate and putting them in the sink before sprinting up the stairs to their conjoined bedrooms

Amaria pouts, I silently giggle "What's wrong Aria baby?" I feigned innocence, "Mommy's mean" She folds her arms

"Sorry Momma's baby now I'm done with your hair go out your plate away and go get ready ok" I explains

She nods before hopping off her stool and follows after what her brothers did

My baby's were beautiful when they were 1 every time we went out they were complimented they were also offered modeling jobs ofc they agreed but I asked not to post to any website since I was still scared for Lorenzo to find me and my precious babies

Since they were born we've moved four times and I don't want to again since They know four
languages of how much times we moved Italian,English,French,and Russian

I also don't want to move because of the friends they made here and because they didn't where we were

My babies come down the stairs in their uniforms looking adorable hand in hand, Sariah already left so All I had to do was take the kids to school

"Ok mama's babies let's go" They all said ok and we went out the house to the car, they all go in the car seats and buckled up

"Ready?" "Yes!" I back up out the driveway and down the road to their daycare, The daycare is about 15-20 minutes from the house not long but it's also a good distance

At the daycare they jump out waving bye bye before the daycare lady leads them inside out the road and once their inside I leave down the road to my boring but gets us by office job

L.S Co Company Yes it sounds fishy but if it turns out to be I'm resigning asap, I reach the office in under 10 minutes just on time

I leave my car and lock it before going inside to greet everyone before going to the boss to get my assignments and then going to my office desk

Another boring day of the same thing on repeat, But I never expected it to be a shocking day

As I am almost finishing my work I spot the Vice CEO talking to some man wearing a suit it all black is body is firm and you can tell he's been working out for the past years

I ignore it paying no attention until he calls me over the sick son of a fucking pervert bitch, He way over his 50s but touches me like he's 20 and attractive

"Y-Yes sir" Fucking stutter!, "My beautiful Angel Come here" He says with his yellow rotting teeth, In the inside I gag with disgust but on the outside I show a smile on my face

"Im sorry s-sir" As a mafia's daughter this is way below me and it's all Lorenzo's fault, "I said come here whore

He pulls me by my arm, I cringe being so close to him, He wraps his arm around my waist, "So Mr.R This is my most diligent and respectful employee Maria Santos" He explains, Yes I had to give them a fake name since using my real one got me almost caught a lot

Good thing is Maria is my middle name so not really lying, "Say hello to the man," He says while Cupping my butt

I immediately moved away from him, "I-I'm s-sorry sir b-but this is I-inappropriate for w-work" I say with my head down

"And I'm sorry M-Mr. R I'll have to cut this meeting short" I bow my head apologetically before looking up and my body inside froze.

I hurriedly ran back to my office cubicle and grabbed my stuff before wishing everyone good afternoon before leaving with the most calm expression I can muster once I got out to my car I full on panicked driving to the kids daycare to pick ''em up and then to the house where sariah was already at

I told the kids to go wash for dinner and the. Broke down, Riah came to me quickly asking what was the matter

I looked at her with fear in my eyes, and she copied but with a little more worry in it

It was....Him
It was Lorenzo.... He's here

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