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Lorenzo pov

( 7 weeks later)

I was....hurt, Sofia slapped me and kicked me out, I wasn't lying when I said i loved her cause I really did

I had a-lot of enemies and her being with me means her in more danger and they can see her as a weakness to me

Oh how much I wanted to be balls deep in her for the 5th time this week just to calm my nerves, but she didn't want to see me right now

I was currently in my office, I've been here stuffing my face with paperwork, my head lifted when I heard a knock on the door

"Who is it" I said coldly, the door opened and revealed Marissa the mansions slut, she's been with almost all of my men and those who slept with her was knocked out of their titles

"Lorenzo~" Her slutty voice slurred, I could tell she was drunk cause she'll never come onto me since last time I threatened her to leave me alone

"What do you want marissa" My voice was deadly laced with venom but it seemed not to affect her in her current state

"Come in Baby~, Forget about the whore when you have me" She slurred walking over to me while swaying her hips which she was terrible at

She started rubbing down my chest before she reached my crotch I stopped her, "What the fuck do you think your doing" I was furious

"Mmm, You know what I'm doing Lorenzo~" She was making me sick now, She yanked her hand out of my grasp and grabbed my cock

'Shit! I've been thinking about sofia all day' I thought, I was rock hard since all day Sofia was the only thing on my mind

I pinned her to my desk, "I swear if you touch me again I will cut off your hands" I threatened

I heard footsteps and went to let go of her but she wrapped her legs around my waist and gave me a devilish smile like she had planned something

With the step's getting closer I struggled to get out of her grasp, Suddenly she moaned and moaned my name

When I looked at her she looked like she had just won the lottery, she unwrapped her legs and stood up to straighten her dress

I was confused cause the footsteps stop and she leaving without a problem and that's when I looked up the person the footsteps belong to


She looked like she saw a ghost and tears were coming down her eyes held and hurt and....Happiness??

Why was she happy?, When Marissa keft bumping her shoulder I tried to explain, "What is there to explain!" She yelled he hand clenching onto something

"Neona-" I was given another slap on the same cheek I hissed at the contact, "You slept with me 5 times which were complete 'mistakes' to you," She said emphasizing the work mistake

"No it wasn't baby list-" I tried to speak, She then carried on, "Then I come her to tell you I forgive you and something VERY important and SPECIAL! MIGHT I ADD!" She yelled

Angry hot tears were coming down her face, "But your up in here getting laid by the mansions SLUT!" She continued "I can't believe you lorenzo" She said well below a whisper surprised I caught it

"Baby please she came onto me, I told her next time she does it she'll be missing her hands, please baby, please believe me" I begged

"Lorenzo" She said, "I'm sorry I can't do this anymore with you the 7 weeks without you been torture and now I come to forgive you and put all of that behind us but I come her and witness th-at, she even moan your n-ame lor-en-zo" Her voice was breaking and that killed me

I got on my knees with my fave on her stomach, "Please, Please Don't Leave me amore" I begged I thought I was tripping when I heard something move inside of her

'Probably just her food'

She pushed me off, "I'm sorry Lorenzo, But I'm done" She said turning on her heel and leaving my office

I broke down, Me a literally grown ass mafia don broke down crying, I threw everything in my office and broke everything In sight my vision was blurry, my heart broken, and last of all the love of my life was gone...from my life

I fucked up...I fucked up so FUCKING badly, I stormed out of my office disregarding all the stares except for sofia, she had guilt pain and anger in her eyes and turned away and walked to her room slamming the door shut

I also turned and ran out the mansion to my car, 'I needed a drink' I go to one of my clubs and order the strongest drinks

After a few I decided to go back to the mansion, Making it back in one piece everyone was assumed to be sleep or on guard duty

I went to Sofia's room hearing small sobs, Knowing I was the cause I didn't even knock and went back to my office and drowned myself in even more work then last time

'I just need a fucking distraction or I'll be in a whole lot of shit' I sighed looking at the large stacks of paper on my desk, gritting my teeth I slammed my fist into the table breaking it

' Im so sorry I Really REALLY fucked up this time' I said with my face in my hands

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