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If this chapter makes no sense towards the end please forgive me as to My mind went blank and I couldn't think of anything else to put down Enjoy this chapter my gremlins 😁😊

Lorenzo pov

*A week later*

It's been a week since Sofia was shot and she's still current in a coma we already had changed her clothes, took the bullet out, and bandage her up

I am currently making breakfast for my kids, Chocolate chip pancakes

I hear the tiny footsteps come down the stairs, "PAPA!!" They yell

I chuckled, "Hey you little gremlins go sit while I fix your plates

"Ok papa!" They go to the isle and sit, "Ok plate one for Alessandro a prince

"Plate two for Alexander also a prince," I grab the last plate, "And Plate three the last plate For Amaria a princess"

They giggled, "Thank you papa!", "You welcome"

"Papa!" I turn to see Alessandro, "Yes?,", "Can we go see mama after we eat!" He asks

I gently smile, "Yes we can go see your mama Alessandro" I ruffle his hair


After they finish they breakfast they ran to their bedroom to tidy up for today

They came down after a minute and we left to the in-house hospital

After we got to the hospital I froze, "MAMA!" The triplets ran to their mother who was now awake

"Hello my babies," She giggled Ruffling the boys and patting her hand

I walked over to Sofia giving her a kiss then putting my head on hers, "Your awake" I sighed

"Don't scare us like that again," I rub her hair, she giggles

"It's not up to me Lorenzo" She said, I nod my head "I know"

"Let's get you upstairs" She nodded, I picked her up and put her arm over my neck

After they got upstairs all the sappy happy stuff happened

After that Sofia spent some time with her babies and best friends

( Night time- Sofia pov )

Today was a good day after putting my babies to bed and tucking them in I close the door and left downstairs to wash the dishes

As I enter the kitchen and washing the dishes I dry them placing them in the cabinet as I put them in I feel a presence behind me

"Yes Lorenzo", I said turning around after putting the last dish away

He chuckles, "You know everytime hmm?", I nod

"Definitely," I say giving him a peck on the lips, He stood their froze

I giggle and run to them room, "You think you can do that and run" He said chasing after me

"I just did" I say entering our room, he shuts the room door and locks it

"Then your in for a rude awakening principessa" He said huskily taking long strides towards me

I fall on to the bed, He stands Infront of me towering over me, "Why don't we have some fun tonight", He whispered in my ear biting my earlobe I whimper

"But I just recovered" I gave him puppy eyes, "You and those damn eyes" He groaned

He grabbed the back of my neck kissing me deep and rough I moaned

"Lorenzo..please," I whimpered, "Hurry" I said

"At your wishes" He smirked,

Even tho I just recovered I knew I was gonna need another wheelchair for in the morning

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