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Suddenly the day I dreaded came and it came fast

I was sitting in the room with ma and Luca and the man and the unknown man came in, "Uh can we help you?" I asked

"Yea todays the day" He said with a smirk and my blood, Suddenly three men came and picked up me and Luca

"No! Lets me go!" I screamed, Luca was struggling as well "MA! Help" Luca yelled

"My baby's stop please!" Mom yelled before they slammed the door in her face

We was dragged down the hallway and Me and Luca was thrown into different rooms, "You Bastards!" I yells before the shut me in this room

The room was decently nice the bed was the same tho just a little softer, There was a closet, a window and a table that had things on it

A few minutes later the most disgusted looking man came in he made my skin crawl, "Well your a pretty lady" He said before walking over to me

I scooted back from him till my back hit the wall, "Now Now don't be naughty were bot gonna go all the way" He said trying to take my clothes off

"No! Leave me alone!" I yelled, "No sweetheart I'm paying good money today just for this and I want my money worth it" He told me

A few hours later

The man left and I felt so disgusted he kissed down my neck fingered me and etc, Soon the man that brought us here came back in with his clothes as messed up

"Your mom is good in bed to bad I couldn't go all the way cause she was "scared" haha" He chuckled at the end

"You son of a bitch" I yelled, He slapped me "Watch your mouth you bitch and lets go u can go back to your mom" He said before leaving me to get up on my own

We walked down the hallway with be following behind him until we reached our room, he opened the door and pushed me in

He then slammed the door behind me and I went to hug my mom and brother, "Non voglio più essere qui." Luca cried into my arms

"Nemmeno io fratello" I said rubbing his back "Andrà tutto bene" I sniffed my mom then came and we all just had one big hug

(Translation: I-I don't wanna be here no more, I don't either brother, Everything's is gonna be fine)

After we collected our self we cleaned ourselves up, "I thought that black car was behind this" I said, "I shouldn't of let me guard down" Luca then came over to me, "It's not your fault sis we can't predict the future, We just wait and see what the future holds for us" He explained

"What if its some bad, something dangerous" I said, "No don't think that think positive like, what if it's something good, something amazing life changing even" He said enthusiastic with a big smile on his face

I giggle "Your the only one who would think of our current situation as something good in the future I love you bro" I rubbed his hair then hugged him

"Ik sis thats why imma be a therapist" He said with his gleaming smile

"What ever you want to do bro im ok with it" I said



"When do u think we'll get out of here"

"I don't know baby this is probably our lifestyle now" she said sadly

I sighed "Probably"

"Come on now why are y'all so down everyone has there ups and downs and right now this is our down and we have to push threw it to get back to our ups" Luca got in-front of us like a politician

"Come on don't give up guys or they're gonna be days worse then today" He said and that gave me a little push

"He's right ma we're strong and your even stronger for taking care of us since dad left" I said

She chuckled "I guess my baby's are right, oh how y'all grew up so fast" She said looking at us like we were just born yesterday

"Ok no more depressing days" Ma said, "Yes Ma!" Me and Luca said in unison

"But Ma why were you so sad when u had to you know that horrible person" I asked

"I was waiting for your father I promised him but that promise was broken forcibly taken from me" She said looking down

"Its ok Ma and remember what Luca said no more sad days" I explained

"Yes Honey" She said, Then we all went into a big hug that felt like it last forever until he came in

"Olivia" He said, My mom was shivering, "C-Coming sir" She followed him "Ma..." I said

" Shhh It's ok and be asleep by the time I get back" She said with a genuine smile, "Come on you bitch!" She jumped

"C-Coming Sir, I love y'all gn" She said before shutting the door behind her

"I hope mama be ok" Luca said, "She is she's strong" I said smiling trying to stay positive

"You heard her lets sleep" I drag him to the bed and lay down being the big spoon and Luca laying on my chest being the little spoon and I chuckled

'I love you lil bro' I thought before drifting off to sleep, the only place I can have peace

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