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I woke up to the sound of the door slamming shut and a man walked in he was wearing a white v-neck with blue jeans and black sneakers and had a light stubble on his chin

"Well well well look who we have here" He said while walking towards me, "Hmm, you'll sell well, very well" he cupped my chin and turn my head left and right

I snatched my face out his grasp and glared at him "Why you little" He then slapped me across my face and I fell to the floor my hands were tied behind my back and my mouth was duck taped

"Don't disrespect me again or I'll be worse" he said picking me off the ground by my hair and brought my face to face him he had a good grip on my hair then he threw me back down and i hit my head on the hard so called "bed"

"Give them some bread and water my merchandise have to look and seem perfect so i can sell then for a good amount" He ordered on of the men that was watching us, "Yes sir" The guard said before guiding him out the room and following behind him and locking the door

"Mmm" I tried to speak but it was no use I then spot my mother and brother

"Mma" I muffled, "MMMMAA" I tried again and this time she woke up, "Oh my baby your ok" she got up and came towards me

"Imma take this off ok" She said grabbing the tape and I just nodded my head "OWW!" I said after she got it off "Sorry baby"

"Its ok is Luca ok?" I asked "Yes he's perfectly fine" My ma reassured me and that made me release a sigh of relief

"Ma do u know we're here to get sold?" She nods her head with a sad face, "Even if we're sold I'll protect you and your brother I promise" She said pulling me into a hug I melted into

The door slammed open causing me and my mom to jump and look who came in, "Y'all better be up" The guard from earlier came in with a cart of some sort

He sighed annoyed then walked to my brother grabbed him by the collar and threw him to us which mom caught him

"Ugh" Luca groaned from the impact and the guard came in all the way with the cart and gave us each a plate and a glass cup of water

The plate contained a loaf of bread and some type of soup

"Eat up" The guard said before leaving with the cart and slamming the door shut

"Did he really just serve us a piece of bread and gluop?" Luca said disgusted, "Welp "eat up" as he said" Ma told us and I hesitatedly picked up my spoon and ate some of the soup.

Few hours later

Me ma and Luca was lying on this brick hard "bed" when the man came in again and did his "special entrance" by slamming the door

"Get up" Ma and Luca got up while I stayed sitting, "Why?" I asked, "Cause I said so, so get your ass up!" He demanded

I rolled my eyes and got up and stand near my mom, "What do u want now?" I asked, "Will you stop asking questions you brat!" I could tell he was getting angry cause he was turning into a tomato

"No I have the right to speak my mind" I said in a matter of fact tone, He walked up to me and slapped me across the face

I hissed as my cheek started burning and then he boxed me in my stomach, I screamed in pain and Felled to the ground

My ma was by me in a second same for my brother, "Sofia!, stai bene?" my brother asked while my mom checked my face

(TRANSLATION: Sofia!, Are you ok?)

"Sì, Luca" I reassured, The man cleared his throat and spoke up "She's alright it's nothing major" He was confused at first but now his face is back to his stone cold one

"Heres a bucket of water 3 scrubs towel and clothes, wash up" He said before passing us the stuff

He might not be that bad, after he left I checked the stuff and changed my mind the water was cold the clothes were big old wore out t-shirts and the scrubs were halfway torn up

What did I expect from a kidnapper I thought while rolling my eyes and got a t-shirt and walked to a corner to clean off

After I washed off I put the t-shirt on and went to my mom who just finished along with my brother who was turned facing a corner so we only saw his back

"I'm done" I said "Same" Ma and Luca said "Hey ma I got a question" I asked "What is it love" she said in a sweet voice

"Wheres dad I know this is not a good question to ask in our current state but It's been on my mind for quite awhile" I asked

"I dont know sweetie and I thought u didn't care for your father?" She said

"I don't it was just a question" I said "How about we get some sleep huh?" Luca came from his corner suggesting it

"Sure I can use it lol" I got up then helped mom up and we got cozy well tried to get cozy on the bed

"Gn I love y'all" My mom said "Gn ma love you to" We said before we fell asleep not soundly asleep cause there was noise outside our "room" but we slept good under each others embrace not wanting the next day to come and wanting to get out of here

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