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Sofia pov ^^(what she's wearing+black shoes)

*A month later*

So I managed to convince Heather to bring Vai down here for a day to play with Amaria

She texted me and told me some people weren't letting her in so I'm currently walking down there now

"Donna," A guard says bowing their head, "You can let her in, she's a friend," I say

The guard nods before opening the gate, Heather drives up, "Dqng girl you got security, security" I giggle

"Drive up, around the circle," I say before I jog back to the house

Mari is at the steps with her dad behind her, My baby is wearing a light pink sunflower dress with a white jean jacket and white/Pink shoes

I go up to her and rub her hair, "Someone is excited hmm?" I tease, She blushes

"Mama, stop it" She pushes my hand away before straightening it, Heather's car pulls up in front of the door

Maria starts to run to Vani once she gets out of the car, I giggle then I feel a hand on my back, and my body freeze

I know it's Lorenzo since his Cologne is the only thing I smell

"Relax, Tesoro," He says calmly Curse my obedience to him as I relax and push into his warmth

"I-Its just cold and your warm so don't think any of it" I mumble, blushing

I chuckle just nodding along, I look to where Vani and Maria was, and Maria was beaming while Vani was just smiling

Awww young love, "Come inside, so y'all don't get sick," I said, "Maria," I heard Heather call me

"Yea?" I turn, "I'll be back I'm thinking of moving here so I'm going to go look for houses," She said

I nod and enter the house as I hear her pull off

"Hey Lorenzo, where are the kids?" I ask, "They're up in their room" I nod

It's been real awkward between us since I came back, "Sofia" I jump and yelp

"Uh y-yeah," I say rubbing my arm, "Why are you so uneasy," He says walking towards me

"I'm not uneasy," I awkwardly laugh, "Really then follow me" He orders

"I Follow after him just to show I'm not uneasy" As we approach our room, I check on the kids, first entering the keypad code and opening the door checking on them

I close it and make sure it's locked, before going to our room

When I told everyone they were our kids, Lorenz added a key code needed bedroom for them just to keep them safe

I enter the room and sit on the couch, the same couch we did things on, My face turns a little red

We haven't done it since I came back neither have we teased each other

Lorenzo comes from the door and sits beside me, ...I'm sure I'm stiff as a stick

"Sofia" I jump and then turn towards him, "Y-Yes" I hate when I fucking stutter

"You said you weren't being uneasy, I see that now" He grins

I gasp, With unknown courage I sit on top of his lap straddling him

As I settle myself he looks shocked, "What though I couldn't do it" I ask folding my arms

"Exactly that" He chuckled, I gasp hitting his arm, "Ow that hurt Neonata," He does a fake whine

I pout before laying on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his neck, he puts his arms around my waist and lay his head on the crick of my neck

We stayed like that enjoying each other presence, "I missed this I mumble against his shoulder he groans

"I did too baby," he says before burying his face deeper into my neck, I always seem to be the one to ruin cute wholesome moments

I kiss his neck since it smelt sweet, It went from light kisses to sucking

I felt Lorenzo groan under me and grip my waist tighter, I gasp quietly before continuing my assault on his neck

It went from sucking to licking, His grip started to get even tighter but did not hurt

Lorenzo's deep voice came to my ear, "Neonata, you should stop" He grunted out

I shook my head, no and the cycle started over, Kissing to Sucking to licking and restart

I then felt something hard under me, I gasp

He tilted my face from where I gave him multiple hickeys, "You see what you do to me, baby" He groans "And here I thought we were gonna have a normal wholesome moment" He said

I looked down, shit did he grow bigger? I ignore his recent conversation with me and continue to do what I was doing

I sucked, bite, and licked his skin, traveling my tongue along his jaw to his ear slope biting it

"Shit," He moaned, his head in one of his hands, I dragged my tongue from his ear to his jaw and then to his mouth biting his lower lip

His eyes were clouded with lust, He grabbed the back of my head kissing me, I melt into it

I wrap my hands around his head, He bites my lip asking for permission

I keep my mouth shut, Smiling against his lips, he groans slapping my ass making me gasp

He then enters my mouth taking dominance over it, exploring everywhere

I unconnect my mouth from his and start to grind against him but once I do my body falls limp, shit that felt too good

"You started it Neonata, you can't stop," He says into my ear

He grabbed my hips grinding myself into him, "Fuck!" I moaned out

"Lorenzo...did you g-get bigger..?" I moaned out, shit shit shit fuck!

"I don't know neonata," He grinned, "You have been gone for three years"

I whined, "Omg...fuck! Lorenzo!" When I used to do this it wasn't this much of a euphoric feeling

"More..." I moaned, "To the bed, baby?" He asked

I whine nodding, He then pulled me up and walk to the bed

He dropped me onto the bed making me bounce

"I missed this baby," He said, I nod

"I'm not gonna let you rest today," He grinned before taking off my bottoms along with his

Oh shit I think Imma need a wheelchair tomorrow morning

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