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Sofia pov

'Why, Why the fuck did I let him do that to me' I scolded myself

'Why did I like it?' I hit my head with my hand "Stupido, Stupido, Stupido!" I yelled

After I came from Lorenzo room after washing I went to my room and changed my clothes again, I've been in here for a few hours already

Knock Knock

"Come in" I yelled, "Hey sis dad and mom asked you to come here" Luca explained "Ok I'm coming lets go"

I got up from my bed slid my slides on and went after Luca after shutting my door, "Why do they need us?" I asked

Luca shrugged my shoulders "Beats me they didn't say" I hummed

Weird they've never called us without a explanation, We reached the meeting room and Luca knocks "Come in" Mom says I can tell by her voice

Luca turns the knob and walks in, "You call us ma?" I asked while scanning the room and my eyes land on Lorenzo  and my mind goes back to earlier and a blush creeps up on my face while he smirks and I  avert my gaze

"Oh yes Sofia my love, Me and your father are going away for the weekend so y'all will be left here along with" She starts pointing out people I've never met before but are sure their apart of Lorenzo's Mafia
"Avena, Aleza, Lorenzo and Armani" She said pointing to each of the people

Avena looks a little taller than me she has medium blonde hair with hazel green eyes and have a professional stance

Aleza is a little shorter guessing 5'3 burgundy hair and brown eyes with the same stance as Avena

Armani is a little short for a male not that it's wrong it's kinda cute he has little brown curls with big doe eyes that are blue he also has a nervous stance so I guess he's new to this

I turn to see Luca staring Armani down I elbow him, "Luca your staring" I giggle he comes out his trance "Huh?" He says Then blushes a little "Oh ah Im sorry" He bows

I hit him upside his head, "Ragazzo alzati" I scold "Ow sorella che fa male" He whines holding his head

Armani looks like he's breaking a sweat, "Mi dispiace per il mio fratellino Rudeness" I apologize "Posso chiederti la tua età?" I ask



Avena and Aleza Responded and Armani looked confused, "E-Excuse me what did you just say?" He asked softly

'Awww he's so cute' I thought I chuckle "I said May i know your age in Italian sweetie" I responded making blush from embarrassment

"I just turnt 18" He was the youngest I was 19 and Luca is 18 he turns 19 this year

"So your the youngest" I asked "Yes ma'am" He responded

"Ok so now that we're all introduced Ill pair who with who" My mom announced "Avena and Lorenzo with Luca" My mom said I sighed with relief and Lorenzo jaw ticked

"Armani and Aleza with Sofia" I smiled sweetly and my brother whined "Mama I wanna be with Armani" He's such a big baby

"Why? so you can flirt with him all the time" Me and mom asked, "Not all the time just from time to time" Armani was as red as a tomato "Yea Mrs.Romano and I want to switch with Armani" Lorenzo said I sent him a death glare and he just chuckled

"Well It's up to Sofia" She said, "No" I deadpanned "Lets go y'all" I said and Armani and Aleza followed after me

Luca didn't leave the poor child alone and stopped him when he went past him and whispered something in his ear smirking and maki the poor baby shiver and turn redder if that was possible

I grab Armani and we left the meeting room slamming it after us

"Sorry about him he's a flirt" I say, "It's quite alright" He says

"Well let's go to my room so yall can change those suits look uncomfortable" I explains, They look shocked but nodded anyways and followed after me

'I think we'll be great friends' I smile

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