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Lorenzo Pov

When we got to the house we went to my office and immediately started planning

"How long will this plan take or go into action" Mario asked

"About a year don't question my work" I explained

Soon 3 of my men came in, "What do you see were in the middle of something" I gritted out because I don't like when someone just barges into my office without knocking

"We have or of the RED PANTHERS is the basement sir" Marco my right hand man explained

I shot up immediately, "Show me" was all I said before I rushed out the room

We got to the basement and one of the guards that's by the door opens it for us

I walk in and see the men hand cuffed to the chair and his feet take with a gag in hit mouth

I walk to the man and slap him, "Wake up" I demanded and the man lazily opens his eyes and then his eyes fill with fear

"mMmhm!" "Shut up before I carve my initials into your goddamn mouth" I demanded already getting tired of his voice

I walk over to the table that had guns,knives,hammer,nails,and more items used for torturing

I grab a knife and walk to the guy while twisting the knife in my hand

The man starts shaking in fear, "So this is how this is gonna go I tell questions, You answer them" I explained

"Where is your warehouse" I asked ruthlessly then took the gag out, "Go to hell" He spat, I stab the knife into his thigh and he lets out a painful scream 'Music to my ears' I thought

"Wrong answer" I said, "I don't like repeating my self now answer the question!" I yelled

He spat on my shoes then did a devilish grin, "Why u motherfucker" My jaw clenched

I went to the table and picked up a hammer,nails and a board before walking back over to him, I placed his on the board

"Now don't move them" I said before hammering his hand down with a nail

He screamed in agony, so I continued doing it with the other 9 till his whole hands was nailed down to the board

"Now this is my last time asking, where is your warehouse" He was crying by this time

"Gun" Was all I said before one of my man came over with it and he shot his head up

"No no no no no" He said crying "I will I will but please spear me please" He said crying

I sucked my teeth " Pathetic now tell me where is it" I demanded

"I-It's in in xxx road once u go all the way down to a dead end that a right and keep going straight and you should find it but please spare me" He explained and I had my men take notes

"Thank you for your cooperation but you'll no longer be needed" I said as I started cocking my gun

"No no pleas-" I shot him between his eyes and blood splattered everywhere even on me

"Clean this mess up while I go clean up also be prepared to go to the warehouse at midnight" I said to my men before I walked out

All I got was "Yes sir's" I then went into my room to change out these clothes and go wash

After my shower I get dress in a white dress shirt and black pants with some black shoes and a black tie also styling my hair

"Maid!" I yell and Kira comes up, "Yes sir?" She says in a seductive voice which made my dick twitch "Clean my clothes, and after come here and wait on my bed" I said the last sentence in her ear and she purred

"Yes sir" She said after grabbing my clothes and leaving

Kira is my personal maid and she help with a lot of stuff including my sexual needs

After I straighten my self up I go back to the office which Romario is still at

"Lorenzo It might only actually take a few months cause if we go in from here and the guards go in form here then the guards could knock out 2/5 of his men and If Marco,Giovanni,Enzo and Dante go here then that'll be 5/5 cause they can take on 3/5 by they self along with some more guards and that leave me and you to come in from after a few minutes but we'll still need to fight cause these men are trained and professionals so after we knock down half we go to find them an-" He explains before I cut him off

"First of all how did you find their location?" I ask

"I traced the license plate and it took me to this abandoned warehouse" He explains again

"Ok Im gonna call a meeting" I said before I call everyone to the meeting room

After everyone arrived

"Ok so we're doing a rescue mission and this is how it's gonna g-" I got cut off and my jaw clenched

"Sir we're not a rescue team we're a mafia" One of them spoke

"Did you just cut me off" I said

"S-Sorry Sir" He said with fear in his eyes

"Do it again and I won't take it lightly" I said glaring in his direction

"Yes sir Sorry Sir" He apologized

"Like I was saying this isn't a basic rescue mission this is a sex trafficking rescue" I explained

"Now lets go over it"

After explaining

"Now that everyone knows the plan get prepared your dismissed" I ordered and everyone started leaving the room

"Lets go get ready Romario this gonna be a rough rescue" I said before leaving and him following after me

"I agree Lorenzo now lets go get my family back" He said and I chuckled

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