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Sofia pov

I woke up with my babies surrounding me and snuggling up to me, I smile at the sight

I slowly got up out the bed and went to the bathroom, I washed up brushed my teeth and put my head in a messy bun

I leave the bathroom and tiptoe out the door and went down stairs

So yea after I came home and reconciled to my family and talked with Lorenzo I went to aleza and Armani and we had a emotional reunion

I'm now at the bottom of the stairs entering the kitchen, ma pa and Luca was already down stairs

"Good morning" I said going to the cabinet to get pancake mix

"Morning Sof" They responded

"Whatcha doing?" Luca asked, "Making pancakes for my babies, can you get the blueberries, strawberries and chocolate chips out the fridge for me?" I asked mixing the pancake batter

"Sure" He walked to the fridge to get the needed ingredients, "Sofia hunny" I hummed to my mothers question

"Did you and Lorenzo makeup?" I hummed again, It was complicated

"Here sis" Luca placed the ingredients down, "Grazie Luca" I smiled Inserting the chocolate chips

"Nessun problema Sof" He returned to the kitchen isle on his phone

After I cooked the chocolate chip pancakes, I placed them on each plate one for each, then place the blueberries in a smiley face and the strawberries as a hat.

I brush my hands off and take my apron off and go upstairs to wake my sleepy beauty and princes

I get to my room and my babies are all huddled up with their little sis between them

My heart exploded at the sight, I walk over and gently shake them awake

"Mama babies time to wake up breakfast time" I gently say picking them up out the bed onto the floor

They rub the sleep out of there eyes, "Mworning Already mama"

My princess Amaria asks "Yes baby girl now let's go you washed up and teeth brushed for breakfast before it gets cold

The boys nod while I pick Amaria up and they follow me to the bathroom

I wash them in the tub with bubbles and then dry them off and dress them, I decided to wait after they eat to brush they teeth

"Ok let's go babies" I hold their hand and walk down the stairs entering the kitchen,
New people join in the room including Lorenzo Armani And Aleza

I advert my gaze from Lorenzo who's not wearing a shirt right now showing his delicious abs

I shake my head taking away those thoughts, I walk over to the isle with Amaria on my hip and sit her on her chair

The boys said they was big boys and could do it there self so I let them, My boys are growing so fast

I then sit down and eat my food also feeling stares, I look up and see Aleza and Armani eyes staring at the triplets

I giggle, " Y'all can play with them after they're done with their food and brush their teeth" I respond looking at Armani and Aleza

"I'm still shocked you had kids with that asshole" Aleza responded mouth agape

I chuckled, "Im a grandma" My ma couldn't stop smiling and Lorenzo was looking at the triplets with adoration

I felt butterflies in my stomach, Happy ones

"Mama!" I head Amaria, "Yes baby?" I hum, she fidgets with her hands

"She wants to take to Vani" The boys deadpan while eating their pancakes while Amaria is redding in her cheeks

"Ok brb princess" She nods, I run up stairs to get my phone then back down and type in Vani mother number and FaceTime her

*Ring* I rang once

*Ring Ri-* It answered on the third rang

"Hey Heather, Is Vani home?" I asked

"Hey Maria, And yea she's home, does Mari wanna talk to her?" She wiggles her eye brows

I do it back and we both giggle, "Yea one sec and I'll give her the phone" I nod and give the phone to Mari who's still red

"MARI!" 4 yr old Vani voice comes thru the phone, "Hey V-Vani" She mumbles

Everyone who was in the kitchen looked at me confused, I shushed them

"Hey baby why don't you and Vani go to your room and show your new you" I stuttered on calling him their dad

Her eyes sparkled, "Yes Mama!" She jumped from her seat and ran to their room

"Mama" The boys called me, "Yes boys" I looked at them and they was giving me a look

"What?" I asked, Sometimes my boys are to smart for their own good, They was now looking at Lorenzo and then me

"We're done, Come on Alessandro" Alexander said grabbing his brother hand,
"Wait my pancake" Alessandro whined

I sighed, "Why are they so smart" I mumbled, "They get it from you" Luca said laughing

I gave him the middle finger and took their plates emptying it and putting it in the dish washer

Before going upstairs with my babies, When I got up their Mari was still on the phone with Vani showing her, her new toys and the boys were playing while listening in

I chuckled at them, I love my babies with all my heart also should thank Lorenzo for giving them to me

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