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Lorenzo's pov

"Lo--Lorenzo" she said wincing I realize I was grabbing her chin hard I yank my hand away and avert my gaze 'Why the fuck did I do that' I scold my self

I tell her to do the daily training and also to tell that to Luca also before I sprint out the training area

'What the fuck is happening to me, every time she's involved my body has a mind of its own' I walk till I reach my room and slam the door

I run my hands threw my already messy hair before deciding to take shower to calm my nerves

After I got out the shower I hear a knock on the door I put a towel around my waist and head to the door

"Who is it" I ask while opening the door to reveal sofia, "What do you need sofia" I ask her as she lifts her head

Her attention went from my face slowly down to where I'm currently holding the towel in place at she then bites her bottom lip

I clear my throat "Eyes up here shorty" I tease and her gaze immediately goes up "I wasn't asking doofus I already know" She says in a matter-of-fact tone

"Anyways...Dad said he has a mission for you and be to his office before 10" She explains damn the old mans gonna work me to death not that I'm complaining tho I love some blood on my hands

I glance back at her and she shifts from one foot to the other, "Come in" I order

"Excuse you who are you talking to like that?" I sigh
"I can tell you're tired of standing so get your ass in here" I ordered once again

"I'm not tired I don't know what you're talking abo-" She says folding her arms before I cut her off

"Sofia" I warn, she tenses up


She then hesitantly walk over to the couch and sits down unwillingly, "I'm not doing this cause you told me to just cause I want to" She says I scoff

"I'll be out in a bit pretty sure you dont want to see me change" I say grabbing my clothes from the bed seeing her blush as I make my way back into the bathroom

'Cute' I change into my clothes then leave out the room, I walk over to the couch  "Hey neonata Ready" I question

"Don't call me baby girl" she sneers at me, I chuckle "Sure neonata"

She then grabs me switching our positions catching me off guard, "I said don't call me neonata" She yells while pining me to the couch

Now this starts making my blood boil I grasp her waist since she now straddling me "I recommend you don't do that again neonata" I say once again daring her to try something again

She grits her teeth before attempting to land a punch to my face as I catch it pinning it back her back she grunts and tries swinging with the other hand and I also catch that one to

I take her pinned hands and pin her to the couch seats with her hands above her head and face facing me


Past this part is smut if your not 18+ or older please skip this part if you don't that is not my problem I already warned you

Im serious bye

Now that there gone you may continue (if your still here don't say I didn't warn you)

"See neonata your no match for me" I whisper into her ear feeling her shiver, I nibble on her earlobe then move to her neck lying little pecks and kisses down it

She squirm under my grasp as I let her hands go and grab her waist I hear her unleveled breathing and panting pick up as I continue to nibble,lick and bite her

'Shit she taste so fucking good' I reach were her collarbone and neck connects and nibble and suck on it earning a moan from her which I continue to suck on it feeling my dick twitch in my pants from her erotic behavior

"L-" She tries to take but gasp as I start to lift her shirt up grasping her boobs through her bra earning another delicious moan from her

I lift my mouth from her neck and make my way down to her breast and take her nipple inside my mouth, she grabs my hair and arches her back

"Oh God!" She moans, with my free hand I go to her other nipple and twist and pull on it making her whimper

I take my mouth for her drenched nipple and stare at the masterpiece before me, I go to take her pants off when there's a knock on my door I groan as I get up to go see who it is

"What" I yell mad at the person at the door, "S-Sorry Mr. Rossi B-But Mr.Romano calls for y-your presence in 10 m-minutes" A girl no older then 16 or 17 informs me

'Why the hell he change the time up' I groan "Fine I'll be there" I say before shutting the door and locking it

I turn around and start to walk back over to sofia,"Let's finish this quick hmm neonata" I say yanking her pants off and throwing them somewhere in the room not having the patience anymore

I trace my finger across her underwear seeing her wither under me I pull her underwear to the side and teasingly rubbing her clit

She whines at the pace I'm going I lean down to her ear "Shh baby you must be patient" I whisper causing her to whine more

I then start to add one finger "Oh!" She moans, "Shit baby your so tight" I groan I wait for her to adjust before I start

After a few I start thrusting my finger inside her, "Lorenzo" She moans I start picking up the pace and add another finger "Oh! Lorenzo!" She screams I suck on her neck while continue fingering her adding another finger sent her overboard

I felt her walls clench around my fingers "L--Lorenzo I'm" She tries to say "Shh and come for me baby" as she exploded on my fingers screaming my name

After she came down for her high I licked my fingers tasting all her sweet juices "Delicious babygirl" I say as get on my knees

"Now be a good girl and don't make no more noise ok" She nodded I put her thighs over my shoulder after I took her underwear all the way off I started slowly Kissing her inner thighs all the way to above the place she wanted me

She grabbed my hair forcing me down, "Bossy are we?" I tease I spread her dripping wet folds before sticking my tongue in

I see her cover her mouth from the muffled scream she just let out, as I continue I hear a knock at the door she tensed up

Using this to my advantage I went faster and harder making her yelp, "Loren- Ah! S-Stop there's someone at the do-" She tries to say before I start playing with her clit while suck and lick at her folds as her back arches

"Lorenzo.." She quietly moans "Shh baby they'll go away" with my free hand I go to grab her nipple while still sucking her cunt "Oh my god" she whined throwing her head back

"Lorenzo..I-I'm close" she says and I just nod my head there banging on the door again and I go harder and faster

"Lorenzo what the fuck are you doing the meeting started 10 minutes ago" Romario yells from outside as Sofia comes on my face

"Delicious" I say before getting up and grabbing some of my clothes "Here go wash and put these on" I tell her before give her a kiss on the cheek and leave

'Still didn't get to take care of my problem' I readjusted my jeans and thought of disgusting stuff soon my dick calmed down and I was ready to start this meeting I didn't wanna be in

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