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Like I said I felt good so hear that triple update Enjoy!! ;)

Sofia POV

[1 Year later]

Today was the day, The Triplets were now 3 and I was brave enough to go up against Lorenzo and my family again after 3 long years

We're currently In a hideaway House I had built for when this occasion come we flew from London Back to Italy and oh how I missed this place so much good and bad memories

Currently Sariah and the triplets are sleeping it's 9pm at night and we just arrived back, I told Sariah to stay back but she insisted on coming with me to help me

I'm glad to have another friend like her, I missed Armani and Aleza to

I decided to go hop in bed with my babies before having to deal with a whole ordeal tomorrow, May tomorrow please be good and drama less


I was currently getting the kids ready Aria was sad since she had to leave Vani which I was surprised was a girl, but I promised her that we would be back one day to meet her again

She gave me the most beautiful adorable smile and hug ever, I'm gonna miss it being just me my babies and 3rd best friend

After gaining my confidence again I dressed my baby girl in a pink flowery sun dress with light pink baby heels and her hair with the back down and a bang in the front

My boys had on ripped jeans with a white t-shirt with the hair ruffled and a Jean jacket with black shoes

I was wearing a black drawstring body-con dress with a button placket crop tee with a necklace that has a circle on the end my hair had pieces of my hair on the side to come down with a bang and a bun (<— Link here)

Sariah was wearing regular blue capri jeans with a white top and Jean jacket with white shoes I was wearing Low but high black heels and the back white

"Ok are we ready?" I asked nervously wondering If i should just cancel this whole thing and just live with my babies and bsf

"Sof, Are you ready is the question" "I-" I looked at my babies and they did need their father in their life especially my boys, "Yes...I'm ready" I reassured

We left out the house hand in hand my nervous building slowly but I was still confident and ready


When we got their of course we had to past by the gate, they was happy surprisingly to say and I told them to not tell anyone and they nodded

We was driving up the driveway my nerves were about to go sky high, I got out unbuckled My babies, Amaria on my right-hip and Alessandro On my left hand while Alexander was holding His hand

Sariah was behind me encouraging me, When we got to the door Alex ranged the door bell for me and my palms were sweating and my nerves were through the roof

I heard the door handle rattle and my breath was unleveled, Who opened the door was Ma

She looked like she had seen a ghost while on the verge of tears as I was to

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