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Sofia pov

3 months later (time skips my favorite but i also cab do a good sick scene sooo)

"Luca" I scream looking around for him, "Lucaaaaa" I arrive at his door and decide to knock... nothing I knock again....nothing again so I decided to just go in

"OMG" I cover my eyes and my face is flushed,
"Omg donna!" Armani screeched

"Don't mind me continue sorry!" I say backing away closing the door

Omg I just walked in on my lil brother and best friend having sex, Where's lorenzo?

"Lorenzo!" I yell while walking to the meeting room, "Lorenzo?" I said opening the meeting room door.

"Oh who are they?" I ask, "Sofia, Dolcezza Come join" Lorenzo offered

"Ah no I'm fine, I was just coming to ask if.." My cheeks start to heat up, "Ask what neonata"  He said with a sly grin

"If you want to go..." Ugh what is up with me, "Ugh speak up you attention seeking slut" A random girl says making me swipe my head to the side

"Excuse you?" "YOU HEARD ME! I said speak up you attention seeking sl-" I slapped her across her face

"I don't know who you think your talking to slut, your on MY turf so your to respect the don and donnas ONLY daughter. do u understand me ms.windstorm?" I said smirking

"How do yo-" I cut her off, "How do I know your name?," I giggle "I know EVERYTHING about you from the day you was born to the day u took your first steps to now" I finished and she had fear in her eyes

I take a step back before turning my head back over to Lorenzo and he had a smirk on his face

"Just meet me in my room after your lil meeting" I say before slamming the office door


"Sorry mama" I yelled back before going to do something productive with my time, I wondered into the training room and decided to train a little since im free


After my lil training sessions I go up to my room and take a shower, and then I hear a knock on my door.

I wrap the towel around me and go to open the door, It was lorenzo "Hey is your meeting over now?" I say as I let him in and close the door behind him

"Yes and I need to ta-" He didn't finish his sentence when he turned around and looked at me the towel was dropping

"S-Sorry I just got out the shower" I cringed at my stuttering, I picked my gaze up off the floor and saw his jaw tick

I hesitantly stepped back and be stepped towards me, "L-Lorenzo" I whispered, "Cazzo, Neonata do you know what you do to me" He said faning my neck with his hot breath making me squirm

"N-No I have no idea" I said lying through my teeth, "Oh really" He started kissing down my neck peppering little kisses down my neck then licking back up

I gasped, He started kissing my jaw all the way to my lips sucking on them, 'Fuckkk' I moaned in my head

He started kissing me and then grabbed my ass making me gasp, he inserted his tongue fighting with mines

He started grinding his dick into me and with me wearing no panties it felt raw and my core heated up making me wet

"Lorenzo" I moaned out his name into the kiss and he groaned grinding faster making my knees buckle, but before I fell he grabbed me holding me up

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