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Sofia Pov

The next day I volunteered to go to the park with my babies including taking 3 body guards pa said it was necessary to do so, I huffed before looking up to see my babies playing on the slide I smiled gently

A second later one of the guards come up to me but my attention is still on my babies, "Ma'am it is time to go" I nodded at the information and managed to get up

"Ok kids time to go home!" I yelled, "Coming mama!" they said while running towards me

After we left the park we arrived at the car the guard opened the door for us and I let my kids go in first one at a time, "Thank you" 

"No problem Donna," he said before shutting the door and going to the passenger side since it was a guard in the driver seat

I pulled my phone out as the kids got on their iPads, *RING RING* I dialed Lorenzo's phone number 

"Sí, Neonata?" He hummed, "Just calling to tell you we're safe and on the way home" I said softly 

"Good, Well I'll see you when-", I screamed as the car started turning out of control, "WAAAHH MOMMY!!" Not to admit in this kind of situation but I was frightened but I had to hold it together

"Boys, Hold on to your sister!" I demanded and they had a death grip on Amaria, I ended up dropping my phone onto the floor of the car

"James!, Hunter!, Do you know how to fucking dri-" I went silent when I noticed James the driver had a gunshot wound to the head, and Hunter had one to his chest but was barely breathing 

"Mommy they're shot!" Cried Maria, I shushed them, "Shh shhh it's ok baby mommy's here" I tried to shake hunter awake but he was barely conscious

"DAMN IT!!" I yelled as I smelled gas, "Kids get out fast hurry!," I said as I grabbed the barely conscious hunter, Oh to be pregnant and carrying a grown ass man I groaned as I got out the car with hunter and ran to my children 

FUCK THE PHONE!  "Mommy here daddy is on the phone" Alexander gave me my phone as I assume he grabbed it for me, "Thank you baby"

"Lorenzo..." BOOM! The car blew up, My babies was crying hysterically as I was shaken up, "O-Oh my gosh..." my voice trembling 

"SOFIA!! STAI BENE!!" Lorenzo Asked worried, "S-S-Sí" my shaken voiced replied, "I'm sending some there ASAP to bring you home what happened" He asked

"S-Someone killed Jason and hunter is barely conscious and the car just blew up... oh my gosh Lorenzo I'm so scared hurry!.."

He sounded angry as I heard a desk break in half yes I can tell "Get to somewhere safe where there's lots of people I'll be there soon" I sighed and "Ok love you" I smiled sadly, "I love you more baby" I smiled warmly at that

As I walk with my babies and heaving hunter ass around we made it to a cafe it's a really busy one as we near hunter gains conscious and I explain everything that happens 

I knew people would freak if he went in there covered in blood so I gave him my jacket to cover his chest

As we enter we choose a booth that's crowded, should be good enough, after 20-30 minutes I see Lorenzo and I sign in relief while tears fall down my face 

"It's ok bambina I'm here, Let's get you all home" I nodded as Lorenzo men help up hunter who's exaggerating in pain" I feel this has to do with the time at the grocery store and I feel we are still being watched and this will keep happening 

I hope not but then again life in the mafia is not quiet and peaceful, that's I should know and this feeling it's not going away anytime soon....


(Short? Yes I know probably but hey i actually like this chapter and I was thankfully able to post since I got my cousins iPad I feel bad for leaving it this short after such a long time but it's 1 in the morning and I suddenly got a idea but is also a little tired but anyways my lovelies I hope you enjoyed it! 😁 (idrk if it's short since I'm used to writing on my phone and I thought/ felt like I wrote to whole essays on this 😂🥲  but I ended with the last sentence and it's so short oh my gosh 😭 but byeee love you all!!!)

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