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Sofia pov

My legs recovered after a week or so dam you Lorenzo and your sexyness

Im currently in living room watching TV with ma before I feel a sick feeling in my stomach

I get up and rush to the, I hear ma call after me, After I was done throwing up I flushed the toilet and fixed myself

I turn to go back downstairs and see ma and riah at the bathroom door

I sigh, "I'm fine guys must of been something I ate" I assured

"Sof, When you and Lorenzo do the deed, do yall use protection?" Riah asked

"No it takes away the good feeling" I tell them honestly

"Ok first tmi," Riah said and me and ma giggled "Second try a pregnancy test" I raised my eyebrow

"You think I'm pregnant?, Again," She shook her head, "Why would you suggest that" I asked

"Oh I don't know probably because you been throwing up this past week" My eyes widened

"You knew?" I asked, "I've been around you since your first pregnancy, I know what it looks like" Riah explained

I sighed, "Ok I guess I'll go out to buy one but don't tell Lorenzo" I said sternly

Ma and riah nodded, "Watch the kids for me, I'll be straight back"

I left to the store to buy a test when I saw a shady man on the next isle over, I went to the next isle or to me after grabbing the test and indeed he was following me

I made myself hurry to the register, look in my peripheral vision and see something actually caught his eye and he was busy looking at it so I hurried and paid the cashier and hurried to my car

I get into my car and I see the shady man come out after me stomping his feet before going the opposite way

I drive off towards the house, once I enter I see Lorenzo playing princess and princes with the kids

"Oh hey sof where you been," He asks "No where just to the store to buy a few things" I nervously said hiding the bag behind my back

Lorenzo eyed the bag before his gaze came back up to me, "What's in the bag" He asked not beating around the bush

"Oh you know women stuff," I waved him off chuckling nervously

His face said he didn't believe me, "Ok, sure" After he said that I ran to the bathroom and locked the door

I took the pregnancy test out and peed on it then sat it on the sink before pacing back and forth

What if I'm pregnant what if gets mad that I'm pregnant again what if I look even bigger then I did with triplets what if someone like that shady dude come after us again like when I had got shot what if they harm my unborn what if they get kidnapped

So many what ifs that were possible since we was in the mafia crossed my mind I started crying fearful of what to/can happen to my unborn if I am pregnant

After 20 minutes 10 with me going over every what ifs and 10 preparing myself for the results of the test I took another 5 minutes and then I picked the test up and check the results.....

It was positive... I shook my head, no..impossible it's probably just broken I'm glad I bought 6 of the tests

I tried every last test I'm down to the last one and I'm scared since all the past 5 ones said positive

As I picked up the last and final one, I screamed it was on purpose It was accidental I didn't mean to

5 secs later there banging on the door, "SOFIA!!, SOFIA!!," I hear Lorenzo yell, no not him please not him

"Sofia, tesoro Cosa c'è che non va" Ma asked in a worried tone, "Mamma, per favore, ho paura, aiuto" I said on verge of another set of tears

"Ok, aspetta un attimo, tesoro" She said in a soft Italian tone, "She only wants me to come in you all stay out here and watch the kids please" Ma explained

"But-" Ma shushed him, "No buts Lorenzo go tend to my grandchildren" I heard him grumble an ok

"Sofia tesoro, apri la porta, per favore" She said in a soft tone before I opened it I hid all the tests under the bag I bought them in

"Sí Mamma" I open the door and let her in, "What's the problem principessa" Ma asked

I took all 6 tests from under the bag and started crying, ma saw the test and we're surprised and happy before she looked up at my tear stained face

"Aww my baby what's the matter" We sat on the bathroom floor, "Ma I'm scared," I cried out

"what if Lorenzo gets mad that I'm pregnant again what if like when I had got shot what if they harm my unborn what if they get kidnapped after their born what if they harm my unborn while their inside me" I cried out into her shoulder

I tried wiping away the tears that kept falling, "Also what if this shady guy I saw in the store comes after me" I sniffed and that when she went mama mode

"Shady guy?, What shady guy?" she asked sternly

I sniffed, "So I was on the isle getting pregnancy test when I saw this guy in all black and I was wondering if he followed me so I went to the next isle when I did he did and that's when I confirmed he was following me, so I ran to the register and paid and when I got to the car he looked real pissed that I got away" I said not crying no more

"We have to tell Lorenzo and them," I looked up with pleading eyes not to, "Now!" I sighed and got up

We went down the stairs to tell the news, Everything even my pregnancy

Everyone was happy especially Lorenzo and my kids, "You now know you can't go outside without a bodyguard or two now right?" I nodded my head at my dad

"Yes, papa I know, I will, promise" I smiled

Everyone was happy, but you know good things don't always last forever.....

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