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Last night was horrible and my stomach still had a little pain in it from the punch yesterday

"How did this even happen" I questioned myself, "Sextrafficking" Luca said "What?" I said shocked "This is sex-trafficking sis" He explained

"We're being sold this is not a regular sell I think, did u see anything weird on your car earlier or whatever?" He asked concern on the last sentence

"Um yeah when I was coming from work it was a zip tie on my handle and I cut that off that's it" I explained

He sighed "That's why we're re here cause you looked like a "easy target", and since we was with you we got into it to" He said

"Why don't they teach us this in school how did you find out?" I asked, He shrugged and said "The internet" Before going over to ma who was washing dirt off herself

I just hand palm my face 'Really the internet' I thought before a unknown man came in and my mom and brother came over to me

"Who the fuck are you?" I questioned, "What your mouth bitch!" The unknown man yelled, "Damn who got your panties in a twist it was just a question" I said with my hands up dramatically

He came over and slapped me, "Watch it!" Was all he said before going back to his spot I just rolled my eyes and held my once again stinging cheek

The boss said in a few weeks notice y'all are gonna be sold and split into separate rooms for your masters enjoyment, "Except for the old hag, she will be in charge of pleasing the boss and cooking and etc" He explained and my blood ran cold and started to boil

1 cause it means I'm gonna lose my virginity in a few weeks, and 2 cause he called my mom a old hag she looks younger for her age

"HEY! Watch who you talking to bitch! Don't you dare call my mom a old hag" I yelled, "I see you need to be taught a lesson and extinguish that fire inside inside you a lil so you can be obedient to your new master" He said and I raised my eyebrows confused

He then snapped his fingers and 2 bulky men came in, "Take her to the punishment room" He said and they came and grabbed me

"Hey!, Let me go!" I fought, Tears started welling up in my eyes, "mamma! Luca!" I yelled and they was being held back by guards

"No! Sofia! Lasciala andare! Per favore!" My brother yelled and my mom was crying, I was kicking and screaming and hitting the people holding me but they wont budge

(Translation: No! Sofia! Let her go! Please!)

We then reached the "punishment room" and my blood ran cold, There was a wall covered in blood and handcuffs attached to it

When they started walking to it I continued my rampage not wanting to go there but my attempts were futile

They handcuffed me in star position and left me there, there was whips, belts and other torturing devices I squeezed my eyes shut hopping they wouldn't use it on me but then again this is the "punishment room"

The t-shirt I got on reached down to my knees and is thin so scars might appear, a few minutes later the man and the unknown one come in

"Ughh you again" I groaned, "I see the little spitfire hasn't calm down yet, I would really want to scar that little body of yours up but we cant cause your master will be here in a few weeks so..." He said and i felt disgusted about the way he talked about MY BODY

"A few light scratches might not hurt right?" He said going to pick up a little belt, I gulp

"This is for you disrespecting me" He hit me in my stomach causing me to scream out in pain, He then hit me with the belt over and over again each hit harder then the last causing me to scream louder each time

By the time he was done my body felt sore but with no scars like he said, once he was done he put the belt down and uncuffed me making me fall to the floor hurtfully making me groan again

"Oh get up bitch your ok" He said kicking me making me yelp, "Ugh I guess i have to do it myself" He said and he grabbed my hair and dragged me down the hard wood onto carpet

"OWW!" I screamed from my hair being pulled and my now carpet burn, "Shut up slut" He said, We then reached our room he opened the door and threw me in there

I hissed from the contact with the floor and my sore body, "SOFIA!!" My mom and brother said along with the door slamming shut.

After the door shut I balled out crying and holding onto my mom, my ma didn't say nothing and just held me along with my brother on my other side

And thats how we fell asleep in each others embraces hoping this is all just a bad dream and we would wake up from it in the morning and continue our normal life

What a lie....

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