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2 month later

Sofia pov

It's been 2 months since mom decided to move back in with dad after the incident we got into he also offered us a place in the mafia Luca accepted it and I'm currently still deciding

My mother snapped in-front of my face, "Ciao Terra a Sofia" she said to get my attention "Sì mamma" She unlocked the car door and parked the trunk

"put the groceries in the trunk and get in the car" I walk to the trunk and place the groceries in before closing it with a slam

I get in the car and buckle my seat belt before she pull's off, while she driving I look out the window,'Why did she accept him so easily after what he made us go through, after all the shit we been through now he wants to come be in our lives I'm only staying for moms sake'

While in my thoughts mom strikes up a conversation "Sooo, Now that we're settled and safe how about looking for a boyfriend and giving me grandkids hm?" She provokes me she's been doing this since we settled in a month ago

"Ma I told you I still have responsibilities to deal with I'm not interested in getting a boyfriend or a family, I still have to take care of you and Luca all of that doesn't disappear since our 'father' and your husband came back into our lives" I Explained holding no emotion and putting emphasis on the word father

"Amore mio, non devi più fare tutto questo e rilassarti" She says in Italian still trying to convince me, It's getting annoying now

"Mamma! I yell---I'm not getting a boyfriend nor kids and surely not gonna relax till y'all are fine!" Getting tired of this useless conversation we we're now having

She sighs before putting all of her attention back on the road, "But what about your fathers allie-- What was his name again? Lorenzo!" Here she goes again

"He's a fine young man you don't find them like that these days there always hooking up here and there and he hasn't had a single one at the house" she rants

"I've seen you checking him out a few times at the gym" My eyes widened and my cheeks heat up a bit "You can't hide nothing from a mother she knows everything" She then goes to put her eyes back on the road

"He's nothing more then my dad's best friend/allie and me and Luca's trainer that's it" I respond regaining control of myself the only response I get from my mom is a smirky grin and a 'uh huh'

We arrived to the house after passing the guards at the front gate, mom calls Luca to help with the groceries as I go to grab the case of water I feel someone behind me

"Let me help with that bellissima" a familiar voice whispers in my ear making me shiver, I turn around and push Lorenzo off of me

I catch my breath before speaking, " You need to stop sneaking up on people" I sneer at him

"Well then you need to be more aware of your surroundings and pick up the slightest sound" he pins me to the car

I glare at him and push him away and gives him the case of water I glance at him before he picks up the water and I can't lie he is hot

He's wearing black sweatpants with slides no shirt on he also has black gloves with the tip cut off as he picks up the water you can see his muscles flexing

He then meets my gaze and I avert my gaze while getting bags and heading back inside realizing I was ogling him

I had practice at 6:00 today and it's currently 5:20 after getting the rest of the bags and etc I go to my room get my training clothes which is a sports bra and some tights and go wash

I took a quick 10 minute shower before getting out drying my self and putting my clothes on Its now 5:30 since it took me 5 minutes to get the groceries in the house and 5 minutes getting my training gear and clothes out

I dry my hair comb and brush thru it so there be no nots and put it up into a ponytail I grab my bag and place everything in it before leaving my room which is now 5:35 and since I finished early I go down and grab a snack and I see Luca "Hey luca" I say to him but he's not alone "and Lorenzo" I said emotionless

"Oh hey sis we was just talking about you" luca says with a smile on his face

"About what there's nothing to talk about I'm already famous" I hear a scoff and turn my head to see a giggling Lorenzo and a annoyed luca

'Now thats amusing' I walk to him and pat his shoulder "It's ok lil bro you'll get like me one day" I say before walking off in the opposite direction they was in

"Let's go its 5:58" I say pointing to the watch on my wrist "and the trainer supposed to be there before the trainees" I say before leaving them there


Luca pov

"Dang bro you just let her do you like that?" I ask cause damn he just got checked, "I got a trick for her cute ass" He says before gulping the rest of his drink down and following after her I shake my head before downing the rest of my drink before rinsing both the cups before going to join my sister and trainer

I sigh 'This is gon be a lot of work since them two goons don't want to wash there dish after them self'
I thought


Sofia pov

I reach the training area and start unpacking my bag before sensing someone behind me, I turn around in a attempt to punch them but he caught my hand and I realize it was lorenzo

"Literally you have to stop that" I said annoyed before trying to snatch my wrist from him, "Why neonata its funny seeing you attempt to attack me" He says grinning before letting go my wrist

I glare at him before rubbing my wrist and averting my gaze he then grabs my chin and it starts tingling

'Why do I feel like this everytime he touches me' I snatch my face away but he grips it tighter causing me to wince

"Lo--Lorenzo" I call out to him and break his trance he lets go and averts his gaze, "Just do the daily training also tell that to Luca" he says before sprinting out the area

'What the fuck was that'

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