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Sofia pov

I woke up to the smell of soap and very strong hand sanitizer I open my eyes and Im in a bed in a room

The room has 4 white walls and Im hooked up to some machines

'Where am i' I think and gets up to move but fall back down, "Ugh my head, what happened" I think out loud before all the memories from yesterday come flooding in

"Oh yea that bastard, but where am i?" I say I then notice I'm in a light blue gown that goes down to my ankles

"Who changed me?" I say, I start walking out the room I was in and walk down the hallway

The hallway has a-lot of portraits with degrees and pictures on it

I continue to walk down the decorated hallway until I come to a sitting area and I then see mom and luca

"Ma! Luca!" I say before I start speed walking to them, "Sofia!" Ma runs to me and give me a hug

"I see your fine now sis" Luca said, "Stop acting tough and give me a hug" I chuckle and we do a  group hug

"Im so happy your ok my baby" She says as she puts both her hand on either side of her face, I hold her wrist

"Ofc I am ma YOU raised me this way" I say, "Is your head ok" The mysterious voice said

"Uh yeah....Who are you?" I say once again protecting ma and luca

"It's ok hunny he's not dangerous" Ma said before going to go hug him and I raise ny eyebrows

"He's your dad"

I froze My dad? The dad that left us for god knows how long and now when I'm basically a adult he wants to come back into our lives?

"What!" I yell shocked, "Hunny calm down before you hurt yourself again" Ma says

I hold my head from the throbbing it is doing right now," That man..Is not my father" I said coldly

"Not anymore" I say before turning around to go back to my room, Someone then grabbed my wrist

"Sweetie please I know your still mad about him leaving bu-" Ma says and I snatch my hand out mom's grasp

"Ma he lost the right to be my father the day he walked out on us, you was pregnant with luca at that time and I, ME had to help you deliver him" I said angry at my mom that she would take him back so easily

I send a glare towards him, "That man is NOT my father" I said before looking back at mom her eyes were teary

"Ma I'm sorry but I can't forgive him as easily as you did" I give her a hug before leaving back to my room


Luca pov

"Its ok ma she'll come around" I try to reassure mom after my big sisters outburst

"It's ok luca and you won't understand since you wasn't old enough" She says before wiping her eyes and turning to me

"I'll try to be strong for y'all for now on ok?" She says as she puts her hands on my shoulder

I just smile, "Va bene mamma, stai bene come stai ora" I say as I give her a hug and she hugs back

(Translation: It's ok mama, your fine how you are now")

She sighs before going over to dad, I sigh 'Oh sofia' I think before going to sit down

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