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1 year later

"Get in there you bitch!" Vincent yelled,
as he thru in my mom

"Im sorry sir" My mom mumbled

"Shut your mouth you slut" He said before slamming the door shut

"Mom come here" I said

"Im ok sweetie this is only the usual" She explained with a fake smile

"I know mom" I sighed

"Wheres luca?" She asked

"They haven't brought him back yet" I explained, then the door slams open then shut

"LUCA!" I scream and run towards him

"Oh my little brother" I cry, "This is all my fault  Im so sorry" My voice cracks

"Its ok this is only a little bit worse then the usual" He gives the same smile mom gave me

I break down crying for having to make my family go through this through MY mistake

I guess I passed out cause when I woke up it was night time, mom and brother was sleeping right next to me and then the door opened

"Come you bitch" Vincent sneered, I resisted then he came and dragged me by my hair leaving the room and slamming the door after him

"Let go!" I yell, and kicked him in his balls he grunted out from the pain, "You bitch!, Oh this is gonna be fun" He said and handcuffed me to the oh to familiar wall

He then walked to the table and grabbed a whip, I tried to get out the handcuffs but nothing was working

"This is for resisting" I hissed, "and this is for being a brat and kicking me in my private" He said as he kept hitting me and hitting me till i was bleeding each hit let out a bloodcurdling scream

As he was satisfied my clothes was bloody and my body sore, He then uncuffed me and again dragged me back to the room mom and luca was in

I groaned when he thru me onto the floor, I look up and see mom all bruised and bloody to same for luca but he was just bruised

"Mamma! Luca! Che è successo?" I asked, trying to get up

"Non gli sono piaciuto molto bene, è quello che ha dettoa detto" She says responding to Greg

"Ho cercato di aiutare la mamma anche se mi ha detto di non intervenire..." Luca said

I sigh "Beh, è un bene che tu abbia cercato di proteggere la mamma, ma questo è il mio lavoro luca" I tell him giving them both a hug

Unsurprisingly the door slams open, 'Guess they aren't tired of fucking with us yet' I grit out

"It's time for your punishment lil boy for trying to help that slut" Greg come in with a whip tape

He hands the whip and tape to the guard and comes grab luca

"Leave my little brother and mother alone you bitch!" I yell as I grab my brother from his grasp

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