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[Few months later]

Sofia Pov

I abruptly got up and ran to the bathroom, I threw up my breakfast dinner, and whatever I had last night

After I finished I sinked down to the floor, "I feel fucking terrible" I sighed

"Sofia!" Sariah voice boomed from outside the bathroom, "Are you ok!" She was worried I was to I threw up more then a average pregnant woman

"Yes.." I responded weakily, After gaining my strength again I cleaned myself off the toilet off and headed outside the bathroom

There stood a pacing back and Forth Sariah, I giggled at her worried expression

This is Sariah I met her a few weeks after I left my home and flew here, San Francisco

She is a short 5'1 redheaded woman and she has brown/green-hazel eyes color 'I could never guess unless she tells me' She is 19 turning 20 and is a softie

"Im alright riah" I groan trying to sit down with my 5-month old belly, 'Shit'

"Sof you look like your 9-months when your only 5, we're going to a doctor!" She yelled, I haven't been going to doctors scared that Lorenzo had connections EVERYWHERE

"Fine.." I gave in, In a flash she got my baby bag the keys and me a outfit 'for somewhat reason'

She put the baby bag on her shoulder and grabbed the keys before leaving out the door, Probably to crank the car

She immediately came back in to help me to the car, I sighed in relief not having to do it myself

We got into the car and she drove out the parking lot of our 5 bedroom 3 bath house, Hey! I had a-lot of money from when I left my parents house

We arrived at the hospital and my nerves were thru the roof, Riah rubbed my knuckles signaling it was gonna be ok

Lorenzo used to do them same thing... NO! Stop thinking about him he's dead to us! I tried to convince myself

Taking me out my thoughts Riah shook me, "Its our turn" I nodded and got up with the help of her

We were currently in the doctor office getting me one of those scans when they put cold stuff on your stomach yeah that

After we was done the doctor printed out a paper and told us not to open it till we got home, I nodded silently and we left the office going back home

Once we got home, we sat in the living room long sofa chair I was nervous, was something wrong with my baby?

I slightly open the envelope and my ultrasound picture came out it read, 'Baby A Baby B and Baby C', I dropped and tears were coming out

"Omg Im having triplets!" I cried happy tears, Sadly to say I cried myself to sleep-halfway but I was so happy

I was gonna have 3 little people running around here, without their dad in their life....

We might go visit when they start to walk but for now, I'm going to enjoy my babies lives

"I could see where all the throw up coming from" Riah commented, I chuckled lightly still half asleep

"Sleep well Sof, You deserve it" She softly said, "My godbabies need sleep also" she said putting the cover over us and with that I feel asleep dreaming about my baby girl and baby boys

Next morning

Same repeat, after I was done I went to lay down

"Hey babies, Mommy would love it, If you wasn't picky and kept making her sick" I sighed

"That's probably Baby A and B" Riah giggled, I rolled my eyes "there your godsons" I giggled back

"I know and I already love them, Isn't that right my sweet babies" She cooed at my stomach and I felt a kick

"There kicking!" I shrieked excitedly, "Really!" She also shrieked I nodded

"Go on touch them again" She nodded and smiled

This time I felt 3 kicks, Her eyes started sparkling, "Wow" She was amazed

"Can you go to McDonald's and get me 2 sausage egg and cheese McGriddles, a bacon egg and cheese McGriddle and a sausage egg McMuffin w/ 2 large Sweet Teas" I asked with my adorable puppy eyes

She sighed "Only for my Godkids" She grumbled and snatched my card out my hand "I love you to" I sang as she slam the door shut

I decided to watch the news for some reason, 'Breaking News, The M Family Daughter has left home for some unknown reason, We currently have no picture of her and no description Nor her name he said all of that was top secret, He also have a message from Lorenzo the dons Ally, 'My Dear, Please come home We miss you I miss you' That was all thanks for listening and keep a eye out." I then turn the tv off and my skin went pale

They was looking for me, No way they would check here, I calmed down and turn the tv back on to some kids show

[ Few minutes later ]

"Im backkk" Riah come in hands filled with our McDonald's, "Food!" I was drooling, "Yeah Yeah Here you go" She handed me the food then Left

"Rude!" I yelled, After that I started to eat and drink my food and drink, After I was done I layed down and me and my babies satisfied

Now the only thought that crossed my mind was, why?, why were they searching for me?

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