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Sofia pov

I went to my car and open the door while signaling them to come in also, "Why do yall act so scared of me" I chuckled

"Because we're told not to do anything without you saying so" Aleza explained

"Well cross that since it's stupid I don't wanna keep signaling you guys I have other people to do that with" I say while cranking the car

"Lets go now" I pulled off down the road

After a few minutes driving We reached the cafe, "What are we doing here donna" Armani said

"First Im not the donna yet, Second this is wear I used to work" I explained "Lets go in now"

"Lidia!" I yelled and a early 20s girl comes to the front, "Sofia oh I haven't seen you in forever" She says sweetly

"Well long story" I chuckle, "But can i get my usual and , what do u guys want" I asked as I ordered

"Ice caramel coffee" Armani said

"A latte" Aleza added

"Ok and that's all" I gave her my card, "Ok that was 10.58 and it should be ready soon" Lidia said before going to the back to help

I walk to the other side of the cashier where to receive my food, "So don-I mean Ms.Romano Did u use to work here?" Armani asked

"Yes child I use to work here the best job but the pay is so low" I explained

Aleza added with "Ms.Romano can we hurry up theirs some creeps staring at you in lust

Aleza comment alerted me and I realized that we were given stares

"Lidia hurry up please we're in a hurry" I yelled, "Got it!" She yelled back

Im not scared cause I can easily take 2 guys on but I have to watch out for Armani and Aleza even tho they too can fight

After another 3 minutes Lidia come out with our drinks i give it to them and we head out the door, on the way to the parking lot we're surrounded with the same guys from earlier

'Dammit' I scolded myself

"Well aren't you a pretty thing" One of the men came to me, "I could sell you and make a fortune" He said lifting my chin with his fingers

I slapped them away "Get your filthy hands off of me" I sneered

"Why you bitch I was being nice now I'm really pissed" He goes to punch me but I block it sending a punch to his face

"You should learn not to gang up on people in the parking lot that's so old fashioned" He gritted his teeth before attacking me again and I kicked him in his crotch

"Ugh you bitch!" He yelled "Well what are you doing you buffoons get them" He ordered and about 10 guys came at us at once


He was at 5 guys now since 4 were dead thanks to Aleza and 1 was injured horribly and bleeding out by Armani

"Oh you slut your gonna get it now" As he ordered his last five to attack I was fighting 2 while Armani and Aleza was handling one I beaten one up and Finished the other off by kicking him in the balls I was startled by Armani's scream

There was a guy on top of him and me and Aleza both rushed to him Aleza shot the guy in the head and he dropped dead to the ground and his lifeless body just bleed out

There wasn't no more since their either beaten up or dead I turned back to see that one of them people I beaten up wasn't their anymore and I heard Aleza scream "Sofia!" I turn and the person who I beaten up had a pole and next thing I'm on the floor and there's a gun shot and Im picked up before everything goes black


Armani Pov

I get off the ground and see a man rushing towards donna before I can scream Aleza did and then he hit her and she fell unconscious on the ground

Aleza then shot the man in his head picked up Sofia and we rushed to her car

"Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shittt!" Aleza ranted

"Calm down and start the car hurry up!" I screamed scared

"Ok ok hush" Aleza said before driving off with Donna in the backseat

We soon reached the mansions through the gates and parked in front

"Armani go tell don and donna, Now!" I nodded and ran into the house up the stairs and bursted through the meeting room door

"Armani hunny what's the matter it looks like you saw a ghost" Donna said sweetly while coming over to me

"MeSofiaAndAlezawenttosofiasoldjobandorderedcoffeethenalezatoldsofiathatsomemenwerestaringatherinlustsheaskedtheladymakingtohurryupshedidthenweleftbuthtengotjumpedonintheparkinglotandwekilledandbeatupsomepeoplebutthenoneofthepeoplesofiabeatupgotupandhitheronherheadwithapoleandnowshesunconsiousinherroom" I say in one breath too frightened

"Armani I didn't understand you can you slow down there no need to rush" She said sweetly holding my hand

I snatched my hand back "Yes their is" I yell, Don then gets up "Don't yell at my wife son" He seemed angry but not as much as me

"YOUR DAUGHTER IS IN A LIFE OF DEATH SITUATION!" I yelled my chest puffing up and down with every breath and everyone in the room was shocked

"What happened to Sofia!" Luca yelled making me jump, I was totally scared now as he got up he came over to me and grabbed me by the neck

"What. Happened Too Her" I repeated, He started squeezing harder, and I started coughing 'Can't breathe' His mother tried to stop him then Aleza came in and boxed him in the face

I was dropped to the floor trying to catch my breath, "What the fuck Luca!" She yelled

"Do you not see what your doing to him" She Yelled, "And by the way we was jumped in the parking lot and some bitch hit her in the head with a pole and now she's in her room probably barely hanging on and your here assaulting Armani for no FUCKING reason!" She was furious

"Armani" He said while trying to come to me but I was to scared and ran away to Sofia's room I entered and there she was just lying there I sighed 'oh what the chicken nuggets is going on here, he looked said but he hurt me' I thought I pulled a chair up and sat next to Sofia

I sighed again before I laid my head on the side of Sofia and went to sleep

This was a lot not gonna lie 💀


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