Chap 1

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"Pete", the voice made the boy instantly stop and turn around. The other man looked smugly at him.
The boy couldn't speak, and couldn't make a voice. It all felt like a nightmare. The other man took this chance to act quickly. He engulfed the boy in his arms, only inches shorter than him.
Before the boy could react the man whispered, "Sleep", in his ears and the next moment his vision turned black and with it the future he saw for himself also turned dark.


Present time

Vegas' P.O.V

The moment I opened my eyes bright light blinded me. I blinked a few times to adjust to this brightness but it seemed to make my head hurt more. So I decided to close my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened my eyes again, I was greeted by a beautiful vision. My brother and love were at the door giggling about something. They had bags in their hands which was probably the food they went out to buy since I know they don't like the hospital's canteen food. I smiled at them; they didn't acknowledge my presence at first but then Macau, my brother, saw me and immediately ran towards me, which made Pete turn towards me too.

"Phi, phi," Macau grabbed my attention, "you wouldn't believe what happened just now!" He said in his high pitched voice.

"Calm down Macau, lower your voice, I can still hear you."

"Phiiii...", Macau whined. I couldn't help it. My head was throbbing. Luckily Pete came to my rescue.

"Macau, phi still hasn't recovered perfectly, he might still have headaches so don't mind him please." Pete tried to reason with Macau and it worked.

"Oh okay. I will try to be careful." Macau smiled at pete, forgetting his story, and in turn Pete ruffled his hair and smiled back. 

"Are you hungry? Sorry we had to wait a little longer for the food today" Pete said, as he touched my forehead to check my temperature.

"It's okay. I'm not that hungry and besides I just woke up." I grabbed his hand and kissed it. I could hear Macau sighing loudly.

"Can we eat or are you going to eat each other?" Macau said, behind pete. I could see the faint blush creeping on Pete's cheeks. God he's so cute.

We ate our lunch in comfortable silence. Afterwards I took my medicines and it made me slightly sleepy. Seeing this Pete literally forced me to take a nap.

Since I got shot multiple times over two months ago, Pete has been treating me like a porcelain doll. He's always here, only goes home to change and take a bath or when Thankun drags him to the main family's house for a few hours.

For the past two months he has taken care of me religiously and sometimes I feel so bad that he has to act like a nanny to me all the time. Once I get out of here, I would definitely make sure he is treated like the precious baby he is.

I fell asleep holding his hand and when I woke up I saw he had fallen asleep too. I tried not to move too much and let him rest but the nurse suddenly barged in with the doctor and he instantly woke up. Great. I rolled my eyes at them.

He looked slightly disoriented for a few seconds and then regained his composure right away. He stood up removing his hand from mine and I immediately started missing his touch. I sat in bed while the doctor was checking my report.

"Great news! You can be discharged after 2 days. We just have to do a few tests but you don't necessarily need to stay here any longer. You have recovered quite well." The doctor said cheerfully.

Pete looked at me and gave me a satisfactory smile. I smiled back, resisting the urge to just grab him right there and then and gobble him up.

After discussing my health and what further precautions I should take, the doctor finally left. I checked the time and it was already 8 pm. Just then Macau came in with our dinner and pete told him everything that the doctor stated. He was very happy and told us that he was going to throw a party for me, celebrating my recovery but Pete forbade him, explained to him how I wasn't fully recovered and how it would be taxing to my body.  He understood quickly and left early today because he had to make his assignment.

Pete walked him to his car, even though he resisted at first. But who could ever say no to Pete. He came back and checked my temperature again. It has become a habit for him since I often had high fevers from the past two months. I hate to see him stressed, I wish I could destroy all his problems but I don't want kill myself. Especially since I finally got to be with my baby.

I scooted a little to my left and made him to sit besides me. I caressed his cheeks and he smiled in return showing his perfect and cute dimples.

"I love you, I'm sorry for being a burden. Thankfully now I can finally escape from this hell." I say, genuinely.

I saw him frown before speaking, "What do you mean, "burden"? I take care of you because I love you. You can never be a burden to me. You are one of the few most important people in my life. Please don't say this ever again."

I could see tears brimming in his eyes and own own tears surfaced. God I love him so much I don't know what I would do without him.

To hide my own tears and stop this from turing into full blown crying session, I cupped his face and brought it closer to mine, putting my lips on his. I tried to convey all my emotions through this kiss and when he started kissing me back, I knew he got it.


That's it for the first chapter! Did you like it? Don't forget to vote and comment.
Also look at these cuties  🥺

 Also look at these cuties  🥺

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