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**A/N: Hi guys! How have you been? Thank you for your support on this fanfic. I want to keep it short so as to not waste your time. I honestly didn't wanted to continue this fanfic after what happened with Bui. It also happened during my exams so I was totally demotivated. But some of you keep telling me to update it so I'm doing it for you. I don't want to keep y'all stranded.
I'm also thinking about making it an Mpreg. That's all. I hope y'all have a nice day. Don't forget to comment and like the chapter. Love you (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)♡**


The next morning when I opened my eyes, Pete was still sleeping. He looked tired and I can't blame him. I kissed his cheeks and decided to make breakfast for him. Usually the cooks do that but I want to make a special breakfast just for him.

I took a quick shower, changed my clothes and went downstairs trying my hardest not to make any noise, so that I don't wake him up. I dismissed the chef as soon as I entered the kitchen and he looked horrified.

I assured him it's not serious and had a hearty laugh about it. After he left I started making breakfast for Pete. I made Thai omelette with rice, Dim Sum, smoothie and egg muffins.

After cooking everything I called the maids to set the table. I made sure everything looks good and then went upstairs to wake Pete up, but when I entered the room he wasn't there. I decided to check the washroom. I knocked lightly on the door and he answered right away.

"Yes..." He called out over the voice of pouring water.

"Come down for breakfast."

"Coming. Just a second."

I stepped away from the door and for a minute contemplated if I should go downstairs or wait for him here. After a min of thinking I decided to just go downstairs and wait for him there.

He came down quicker than I expected. As soon as he saw food, he instantly smiled, showing off his dimples. I couldn't help but smile too. Just a few minutes afterwards Macau also came downstairs to eat breakfast. Since today is Sunday everyone is resting till late.

After finishing our breakfast Macau went back to his room. I took Pete to the living room because I wanted to discuss something important with him.

"Where are you dragging me to?" He looks so cute when he is confused. I sat him on the sofa next to me, once we were in the living room.

I held his hand as I smiled at him, "Can you please tell about yesterday? From the beginning. What happened?"

"Ah yes, almost forgot about that. But first, did you confirm if Porshay reached safely?"

"Yeah, I confirmed with the gaurds and Kinn as well. He told me they're currently treating his wounds and he would be staying with Porshe from now on."

"Hmm...that's good then."

"Okay then, can you tell me now?"

"Oh yes. That day I woke up to the sound of constant buzzing coming from my phone. I didn't want you to wake up so I put it on silent and went to take a shower.

After I came back from shower I immediately started going through my phone. At first nothing seemed out of ordinary and I even texted Khun Kinn back. But as I was about to put down my phone a strange message caught my eye. It only said, "Check your email".

It intreguied me so I went downstairs, told the cook to make something light for me while I checked my email. Again Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it was just full of spam mails, but as I was scrolling down I saw an email by a sender named "Jap".

I immediately opened it and saw photos of Porshay while underneath was a message for me. That person wanted me to come to the Fairfield warehouse in 90 minutes without anyone knowing. He also stated that he has his "eyes and ears on me".

I didn't want to put Porshay's life in danger so I discreetly went there. I told Nop I was going to the main house and left with the watch because I knew it had a tracking system in it.

Once I reached there I was instantly attacked by a dozen men and I guess I lost consciousness after someone hit me on the head. When I woke up again I found myself tied to a chair, in a very dark room. I was hardly able to see anything.

There was just one source of light and that was a small lamp on a table full of tools on my right side. I tried to get rid of the restrains but I couldn't get myself out. After struggling for a little while my head felt dizzy and I lost consciousness again.

The next morning when I woke up I could see everything a lot better than yesterday. I could clearly make out that it was a basement, although I didn't knew where I was. I knew I wasn't in Fairfield warehouse because it had no basement.

From what I could see, the basement was fairly big. On my far left side, there was a huge wall of containers while on my far right side there was a large grill door covered by plastic sheets...I think.

I couldn't make out where exactly I was or how much time had passed. There was no one around me which seemed kind of weird. After sometime a bunch of men came, waking in my direction. I thought they were there to torcher me but they went to my right side, behind the gates.

I could hear screaming and yelling coming from there. Then out of the blue some men came and there was an altercation there. But after sometime it went quite as Athit came out from behind the gates.

He saw me and ran in my direction and helped me to get out of those restrains. He introduced himself and also gave me a gun. Then we tried to escape from there. And the rest you know."

I could hardly control my anger hearing all that he went through and it made my blood boil that Athit was the one who saved him rather than me.

"Oh, and something very weird happened to us there."

"Huh, what?"

"Even though I was armed and trying to escape; even when I came face to face with a dozen men, none of them tried to shoot me or kill me. They were only trying to capture me but unlike other people, who they killed with ease, they didn't even lift the gun towards me."

My eyes widened on hearing this. It may seem weird to him but I know exactly what it is.

Pete is the target here.


So peeps, what do you think is happening here? Did you like the chapter? If so please don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you ♡

My baby 💗

My baby 💗

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