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Pete's P.O.V

Vegas dragged me to the dinning table after interrupting my conversation with Athit. I was about to complain but seeing all that delicious food, all my anger melted away. We got seated and I didn't think much about the seating arrangement until I saw Vegas' face.

He was clearing seething because Athit was sitting right next to me. This wasn't good news since I can clearly see Vegas absolutely loathes him. Panic began to pool in me and before he could say anything, I immediately stood up, with the excuse that I was going to call Macau. Thankfully he wasn't there yet. I felt a little bad but I am 100% sure I prevented someone's murder just now.

I went up to Macau's room and lightly knocked. He opened the door right away.

"Ah, P' Pete what are you doing here?"

"I called you for breakfast but you didn't hear, so I came up."

"Sorry, P' Pete I didn't hear, I was sleeping like a log."

"It's okay. Freshen up and come downstairs to have breakfast." I ruffled his hair and he nodded a little too agressively. I smiled at him and then went back downstairs.

This time I was mindful in choosing my seat and sat besides Vegas.

"He'll be here in a bit." I informed Vegas, answering his curiosity.

The entire breakfast was a lot awkward than I assumed it would be, even after Macau joined us. Nobody talked, the room was filled with uncomfortable silence.

After we finished our breakfast the maids took away the dishes. The uncomfortable silence was broken by Vegas himself, by directing questions and accusations towards Athit.

"So Athit, now that the breakfast is over, care to share your story with me?" Vegas questioned, rather than  requesting.

Athit let out a heavy sigh before answering, "There isn't much to say. The guy who kidnapped me.., us, isn't any familiar to me. But according to a conversation I had with him once he apparently is the ex-boyfriend of the girl I am dating. Maybe he kidnapped me because of jealousy but I don't know for sure."

He paused for a second, looked at me then continued, "As for Pete, I don't know why he kidnapped him but I saw him when I was trying to escape. I helped him to get rid of the restrains and then me, Pete and my men were trying to escape when we saw you. That's the story."

Vegas then turned his attention to me. "Is he telling the truth?" His meancing look gave me chills.

I nodded in confirmation and he turned his attention back to Athit.

"You haven't told me anything about yourself."

"Oh right," Athit straightened his posture, "I guess I did forget to introduce myself properly, amidst all the chaos. I'm Athit Saetang. I'm the owner of Infinity Enterprise, which if you don't know, is one of the Thailand's biggest import and export company. Nice to meet you and thank you for hosting me." Athit gave a polite smile even though it was evident he was pissed as well.

For a few seconds there seemed to be an unannounced staredown contest between Vegas and him, until P' Nop came and ended their silent war. He handed a folder to Vegas, bowed and left immediately afterwards. Soon Athit too stood up from his chair, fixed his clothes and walked to our side.

Vegas and me stood up and turned towards him. While I stayed fixed at my place Vegas moved closer to him, with both of his hands in his pockets and rigid posture, he radiated dominance.

"I would like to take my leave now, Mr. ?"


"Ah yes, Mr Vegas and Pete", he faced towards me, "Thank you for helping me. I hope we stay in touch. Take care of yourself."

He smiled at me and left. I had to pull Vegas back, as he was about to unleash his anger on Athit. His juglar vein was about to pop from anger and of course, jealousy.

After Athit left Vegas grabbed my hand and dragged me to our bedroom. I know he goes ballistic in his jealousy so I didn't say anything to him.

He closed the door with such a force, I'm surprised it didn't break apart. At this point my wrist was starting to hurt from his tight grip.

"Vegas let go of me please, it hurts." I said, as softly as I could.

"I bet it didn't hurt when he was dragging you around the warehouse."

"What are you talking about? Why are you so angry?"

"Should I not be? Why did you stop me just now? Did you see how that fucker looked at you with those dirty eyes? Do you not care? Or worse, did you enjoy him undressing you with his eyes?"

"Vegas, you're crossing the line here. You need to look past your jealousy and realise not everyone is obsessed with me. Nobody wants to steal me from you. I'm no godess, I'm nothing special. Stop making this all about me!  Stop projecting your own damn insecurities on me. I'm not your toy!"

I couldn't help the tears streaming down my face. It hurts so much. I love him so much, I've always put him first but time and again, he lets his jealousy get the best of him. I don't know how much longer I can do this. How long am I going to take blame for things I never did? Why doesn't he trust me? Everything I do, I do it for him.

But I think I had enough. I need some time away from him to think clearly. Maybe we both need it, so we can be sure of our feelings and commitments.

I pull away from his grasp and walk out of the door while he chases after me, calling my name.


I hope y'all like the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment 🫶. Have a nice day.

My babies 🥹💓

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My babies 🥹💓

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