Chap 2

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Pete's P.O.V.

Today Vegas is finally getting discharged. I'm so happy we are finally out of this confinement. Honestly it was more of a torture to Vegas but I'm glad we are finally leaving.

I completed all the documents while Vegas changed his clothes. Macau and Porshe, who came in the morning with Khun Kinn, then helped me to pack all our things and carry them to the car. Vegas tried to help us too by carrying some things but I forbade it. He looked disappointed and hurt, and I know exactly why, but he needs to deal with it until he fully recovers.

After loading everything in the car, I brought a coffee for myself, Porche, Macau and Khun Kinn, and we left immediately. Porche wanted to come with me but I politely refused that suggestion because I didn't want him to tax him any further. Khun Kinn looked very pleased with this outcome since it is no secret that my former boss hates Vegas. Although Vegas probably hates him more.

We arrived at the minor family's house exactly after 20 mins. I wasn't the most excited seeing the house. It was still a little unnerving since this house holds no good memories for me.

I shake off my thoughts and try to help the bodyguards to carry the things inside but they politely refused. 

Since I had nothing else to do I went inside the house and saw almost all the bodyguards, maids and workers gathered around him while he was lecturing them on something. Great he's back to his old self again and it hasn't even been 10 mins. I could  hardly see him among the crowd let alone hear what he was saying.

Since I didn't know what else to do, I decided to sit in the living room waiting for Vegas but as I was about leave Vegas noticed me, "Pete", he called and everyone turned their attention towards me and bowed immediately. I felt weird since I'm not used to this. Just a few months ago, I was the same bodyguard as them and held the same position and value. This doesn't seem right.

Vegas noticed I was uncomfortable and dismissed everyone. "Are you okay?" He asked stroking my cheeks.

"Yes, totally fine. Don't worry." I tried my best to give him a genuine smile. But it didn't work on him, I knew he was still worried.

To diffuse the situation I told him to rest since we woke up too early today. He didn't want to leave so I agreed to get some hours of sleep with him. He held my hand and guided me towards his room.

I realised I've never been to this part of the house. He stood infront of a large wooden door, carved with intricacies, and turned to me. He smiled as he turned the knob and guided me inside the room.

The room was painted in monochrome colours, which somehow included all shades of black in some form. It was very clean and well kept. The huge white bed with black silk sheets looked too good to me and I immediately wanted to sleep but before that I needed to talk to him about something important.

He came behind me and held my waist.

"What do you think?" He wispered near my ear and shivers ran down my spine.

"I love it", I paused to turn to look at him, "but do you know what's more important right now?"

He looked clueless. "Sleep", I replied as I hugged him.

I could hear his giggle; the most beautiful sound I've possibly ever heard. I wanted to talk to him, but sleep overpowered me. We didn't even change our clothes and slipped into the bed hugging each other. I soon fell into deep slumber.

I woke up two hours later, fully rested. I checked the time and realised it was almost lunchtime. He would probably be hungry when he wakes up.

I carefully removed his arms, so as to not wake him up and went to freshen up a little. Then I decided to make Chicken Chasseur, green curry, some salad and soup with rice, of course, for lunch.

By the time I finished cooking Vegas woke up. The look he gave me wasn't the one I expected. When he saw me in the kitchen he frowned. "What are you doing?" He asked, visibly confused.

Killing elephants you dumbass. "Cooking", I smiled at him trying to diffuse the sour mood.

"But why?" I knew where this was going.

"I was bored, I had nothing else to do."

He hugged me, clutching my waist tighter and tighter. "Next time, don't do that. There are maids here for this very purpose. If you're bored watch some T.V or read a book or go for a walk, but don't do that. You're the boss now. You can order them around as much as you like." He said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"But I don't like it." I finally said what I was holding in for too long. "I don't like ordering anyone around, especially for such miniscule purposes."

He looked like he was about to retaliate so I interrupted him, "let's eat. Call Macau and Nop too."

I could hear him sighing in defeat as he walked away, but not before kissing my forehead. I smile brightly, my mood was instantly lifted.

After 5 mins everyone gathered in the dinning room and we ate our lunch in peace. Although Macau would sometimes praise my cooking or discuss college life with his brother.

After we finished Vegas literally dragged me to our room so I wouldn't do anything else. The maids overtook my remaining work. He closed the door behind us and hugged me from behind. I could feel what he wanted through his ragged breathing, as he started kissing my neck. I turned around and put my lips on his. It was a soft kiss with lots of feelings. But then then he grabbed my waist tighter and started kissing me passionately. Our lips leaving each other only momentarily to breathe.


Hey besties! How was the chapter? Sorry I'm not really good at writing immitate scenes. Please don't forget to comment and vote.



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