Chap 4

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Vegas' P.O.V

Since Nop interrupted us I was already in a bad mood but when I saw someone had broken our widow to pass the threat written in blood, to us, my angry rose. But that quickly changed into worry when I saw Pete's expression. I couldn't figure out if he was scared or surprised. Whatever it was, we knew it wasn't an empty threat. We already know who this is about. Porchay.

Pete looked at me as if asking me what to do next but honestly I didn't know what to do either. To assure him I tightly clasped his hands into mine and drew circles with my thumb to calm him down. I know he's worried about Porche. If he sees this, he's gonna lose his shit.

We sat on the sofa contemplating what to do next while the maids cleaned the mess. At first Pete didn't want to tell Porshe about it because according to Pete, "it will totally break him." We didn't know who sent this or whose blood was on the paper but hiding anything from Porche wouldn't be fair to him too. In the end we decided to tell him tomorrow if we wouldn't be able to find anything related to it.

It didn't help that we were on a time limit. We only had 2 days and we didn't even know who this Jap was. I swear once I find who it is I am going to skin them alive.

It's not that I care about Porchay, I don't even know him but it stresses Pete a lot and Porche had helped me a lot with Pete too, so now I have to do everything I can to help him.

We got started with the search right away. I sent Nop to check the CCTV footage while Pete checked the database for anyone named Jap. I sent another bodygard to check if the blood on the paper was real human blood or maybe we could match the DNA with someone. Meanwhile I called Kinn and told him to meet me here, alone and not to tell Porche about it. He was confused and suspicious at first but then he finally agreed.

He came half an hour later and we went to my office. I told him everything. He was furious but understood that we needed to carefully approach this. The problem was, even he didn't know who this Jap was. And the biggest dilemma was why did he sent the letter to me and not to Porche or kinn? 

As I was deep in thought when Pete came into the office. He greeted Kinn then came to my side. I immediately pulled him closer and layed my head on his chest. He ruffled my hair then turned to Kinn.

"There's nothing in the database about Jap."

We collectively sighed out of disappointment.

"Khun Kinn should we tell Porche about this? He would be very angry if we told him any later."

Kinn looked very puzzled as if judging his chances. Finally he spoke, "I will tell him later. Oh and it would be better if you were there too."

"Khab, Khun"

"I'll leave now, call me if there's any update."

I nodded and he left. I turned to Pete and hugged him tighter. He kissed the top of my head and hugged me back.

"Eat something, you must be tired. You still haven't recovered properly."

I internally smiled. Even though Pete was so stressed and worn out, he still put me first. I've never been given such importance. He's like light in my dark life and I would do anything to keep him happy.

We had our lunch and he forced me to take some rest, while he wanted to check with bodyguards for the CCTV footage.

I took his hand into mine and dragged him to our room. He was clearly very stressed and tired too. He needed some rest more than I did.

"Vegas what are you doing? Why did you drag me here?"

He looked like a puzzled puppy. He looked so cute, I wanted to devour him right then and there. But I controlled myself from launching at him.

"You're tired, take a nap with me or I wouldn't rest too."

He sighed heavily, "you're child. I can't win against you, can I?"

"No babe, you can't." I kissed his dimples and he smiled right away.

"Fine, but take your medicine first."

He hugged me as soon as we slipped into bed. I snaked my arms around him kissing his forehead. His existence brings peace and calm to me, the kind I've never know. I fell into peaceful slumber soon enough, a stupid smile plastered on my face.

I woke up and felt something was missing. I turned around and saw pete was no longer there. I didn't even realise when he woke up. The coldness on the other side of our bed made me uncomfortable and forced me to wake up.

I freshened up and went downstairs. There were a few bodyguards grouped around Nop and they seemed to be discussing something. I went upto them and they immediately bowed down.

"What's going on here, Nop?"

"Khun Vegas, one of our bodyguards found the shopkeeper, opposite our house, very suspicious. He also refused to share the CCTV footage. I told 2 of our bodyguards to keep an eye on him, because it's highly possible that he might not tell us anything if we take him hostage now."

"Hmm... That's right. Good. Make sure you report everything to me."

"Khaap, khun Vegas."

He bowed and was about to leave when I remembered something, "Wait!" I stopped him, "Have you seen Pete?" I ask him because I haven't seen him anywhere and I miss him terribly.

"Ah, yes. He said he was going to the main house."

"Okay, you can leave now."

Weird, he doesn't leave anywhere without telling me. But then I remembered Kinn requested him to be there when he tells Porche about the letter. I sighed and called Pete, only to be directed to the voicemail. Weird. Very weird indeed. Something was wrong and I didn't like it.


Hey guys! How was the chapter? Sorry I don't know much about the mafia world so it might not be perfect. Don't forget to like and comment 🥹

Also I want to carve this meme on my skin 🫡

Also I want to carve this meme on my skin 🫡

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