374 23 7

Pete's P.O.V

It's time. I changed my clothes and put on a mask. I can blend well with other bodygards, that is and always would be a part of essence of being a bodygard.

I signalled Khun No and he got started. He's a really good distraction. I know Vegas has left someone behind to check on me and is most probably giving him hourly updates so not only did I need a distraction but also a doppelgänger as well.

Besides sneaking out in these conditions is very hard, no almost impossible if I had to do it alone. Therefore I roped Khun No in because he's the only one left here.

Obviously he's very protective of me too but I have really good convincing skills. At first I had decided not to go because even though I am angry at Vegas I understand where he is coming from, but then I had to, because of that.

Somehow in these 2 hours Khun No was able to not only find a doppelgänger but also distract the spy so that my replacement can come into the room and I can go out. I promised to stay in constant contact with him. Not only was it for his reassurance but my safety too.

I checked my phone again and made sure it's fully charged. I also made sure to carry a tracker with me, which I had already told Khun No. Last but not the least, my gun and some ammo.

Then I tiptoed out of the house. Because of way I was dressed people most probably assumed I'm just another bodyguard and didn't pay much heed to me.

I was able to get out of the house without alerting anyone. As soon as I left the vicinity I noticed the taxi I booked waiting for me. Within 15 minutes I was dropped off at my destination.

It was eerie and desolated. Well you can't expect much from a desolated road with thick fauna surrounding it. It seemed this road, though in perfect shaped, was rarely being used.

Although I was exactly where I was told to be, there was not even a spec of dust accompanying me. I took out my phone and checked the email again. Yup I'm exactly where I was supposed to be. But where the hell is he.

A mere 10 mins after me reaching there, I saw two sedans coming from the left side, followed by an Audi. The cars stopped just few meters in front of me and a swarm of men came out of them, including him.

If I could kill him right now, I would. But well, oh well; now is not the right time. He takes a look at me smiles and gestures something towards his men. They immediately bow and next thing I know each of his men was back in their cars.

He walked towards me in such a pace, you would think he is a child who finally won the prize he wanted.

"Pete.." he smiled at me. His voice was raspy and that irritated me a lot.

"I'm here now what do you want?"

"Woah, calm down. Let's go to a better place to talk shall we?" He says as he extends his hand.

I take a look at his hand before replying, "Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me what it is that you want?"

"Pete..Pete.. Pete.." He repeats my name as a form of caution, as he brings himself dangerously close to my left side.

"I'm asking nicely, am I not? Don't forget the lives of your loved ones lie in the decisions you make."

I can only angrily stare at him and then sigh of defeat. Yes right now he has a upper hand on this situation.

"Okay let's go." I can see his smile forming.

"After you."

He opens the door to his car and I reluctantly get in. I would burn him if I could.

He took me to a small secluded cafe on the outskirts of our city. The cafe seemed more like a bar than a cafe, because of its ambience. I wordlessly take a seat and let him order for both of us.

"Do you like this place? I made it for us!"

I was almost dumbfounded. What is this guy talking about. Though I didn't let my surprise and disgust show.


"Ouch Pete. You've changed. In our childhood you would even lie day and night just to make me happy."

"We aren't children anymore." And I don't even remember you dumbass. "Why don't we go down to business. Discuss the things we're actually here for? Huh?"

"Wow you wouldn't spare me a glace now. Looks like my effect on you has faded. How sad." He grinned manically, then sighed, "Sure let's talk about it."

"So? What do you want? Why are you doing this?"

"Surprisingly both questions have the same answer, YOU!"

"Me? But as far as I can remember I've never done anything wrong to you, so why?"

"Oh my dear Pete, it's actually quite the opposite." My mind is immediately filled with thoughts of Vegas, if he was here he'd kill him. Vegas...I hope he's okay, I miss him.

"...are you listening to me?" His words brought me back to reality.

"Yes, sorry. What were you saying?" He gave me a tight smile as if knowing that I was thinking about Vegas.

"I said it is you that I want." He fully rests back on his chair as he continues, "I'm here to take back what was mine before it was his."

"Yours? Are you out of your mind? I was never yours. I never belonged to you and I never will."

"I totally understand, but you see I don't give a shit about what you think, I'm going to take you back with or without you consent."

After a short pause he continues, "Also I guess you're forgetting that their lives depend on your decision. I don't think you have many or any options here."

He stood up from his chair as I watch him spout his nonsense again, " I'll give you 48 hours to think about it. I'll spare their lives today, but they won't be so lucky next time."

He walks right next to me before giving me his creepy smile again, "You should go or they'd start suspecting. We wouldn't want that, do we?"

I rolled my eyes as I exit the cafe as fast as I can. A black sedan stops right in front of me and a bodyguard opens its door for me, "Sir asked us to drop you off."

Even though I didn't want to, time was running out so I had no other option. I turned around as I look at him smiling at me again through the cafe's glass windows. Reluctantly I get in the car promising myself that I'll end him soon.


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Me rn 🥲

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