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Vegas' P.O.V

He's here, right where I want him to be. Soon he would be in my hands but right now, I need to play my cards right.

As soon as I get notified of his arrival, I signal others to get ready. We wouldn't attack immediately. We will at least give him time to settle so that our plan can be as discrete as possible.

I look over to others and we briefly make eye contact, knowing what it meant. Kinn excused himself politely directing himself towards the restroom. Any other person would think he's going to use it but actually he's excusing himself so that he can signal the bodyguards to start making their way to us.

I don't go near him, even to greet him, unlike everyone else who are practically licking his boots. How pathetic, I think to myself. It is also true that if I do as much come in his sight he might recognise me and our plan will go to shit.

As our group greeted him and tried to snake their way in the crowd around him, to get as close to him possible, I stayed in the back pretending to get another drink so that he wouldn't even have a chance to look at me.

Not even 15 minutes later an explosion could be heard nearby. We know it was not that big of an explosion. It was our plan to just create a distraction, big enough so that we could put our plan into action. 

Just as I was going to assist my men and others, I heard crying - faint at first but became more and more clearer and louder. I would've left without a care in the world if that sound didn't seem to be that of a child.

Giving one last look in the direction of my team and deciding against it, I ran in the direction of the crying. Worst of all was that it was coming from the area of explosion.

I quickly ran in the smoke filled building without any thought and almost choked, coughing due to the smoke. Somehow I was able to breathe a little and moved in the direction of the crying voice. Soon enough I could see a small boy crying and coughing near the entrance to one of the bedrooms.

"Hey kid! Come here." I shouted at him. He looked at me with his big brown eyes and round cheeks. I don't know why but I was so mesmerized by his looks. Because he looks just like Pete, I widened my eyes at the realisation but then shook my head and focused on the kid again.

The kid had stopped crying at this point and moved almost halfway in my direction. I walk up to him and gently lift him in my arms. Then I sprinted out of the building like a madman.

Porshe's P.O.V

After Vegas gave us the signal to move forward we slowly, one by one, moved towards Arthit, pretending to be in line with the bootlickers. Honestly it's almost disgusting how these people are kissing his ass.

I couldn't see his face, just his back, but I can absolutely tell that he's also ugly as shit. Just as pathetic as these bootlickers. If only they knew what kind of monster he is.

Slowly, but surely our turn came to pretend, pretend ok?, to kiss his ass too. Kinn did most of the talking and I just sometimes smiled and sometimes replied with filler words. I honestly don't have time for his bullshit.

With just a slight tilt of head, I signalled others to slowly surround him too. As they did, not more than 10 minutes later, an explosion could be heard nearby and that was our clue to begin the plan.

In the absolute chaos, our bodyguards started pouring in and we were able to overpower his security. Kinn finally caught and practically ran towards our cars with him. Although I know who this is and what we're doing, something feels wrong. He looks too innocent.

Thinking it could be just him playing tricks on us, I shake the thought away and run after our men to our cars. After Arthit was put in the car securely, we were about to leave when Kinn suddenly exclaimed,

"Where the fuck is Vegas?"

That was when I, no all of us realised that Vegas wasn't with us. Ideally he should have helped us with Arthit's men and then come back with us to our cars, from where we could escape quickly, but now it's the total opposite; nobody has seen him and he's nowhere to be found.

"You people should go, I'll look for him" Kinn plainly said.

"Are you fucking crazy? No! Absolutely not!" I almost screamed at him.

"Porche listen to me; you people should leave first. We have Arthit with us and as the suspicion grows and more and more people will come looking for him we wouldn't be able to fight them all. It would be a war! And you know we don't want that."

"But-" I was about to protest again but he cut me off.

"Don't worry I'll be fine as long as Arthit's not with me. People can't suspect me when he's not with us. Hmm?"

"Okay but please stay safe and leave as soon as you find him."

"I will." He kissed my forehead and signalled us to leave as we could hear about an army of men nearing us. I immediately got into the car with my men and we left in the opposite direction as Kinn ran to the left of the entrance evading the men.

Kinn's P.O.V

I ran to the left of the entrance, after saying my goodbye to Porshe. Although I said I will be safe, I honestly don't know if we will come out of here alive.

I searched the nearby areas but still couldn't find him. I combed through panicked guests and bodyguards to search more rooms but still couldn't find him.

Where the fuck is Vegas? I was losing hope when my eyes suddenly fell on the area of explosion. I could see a dark figure in the thick smoke, looking like it is carrying a huge lump.

I sprinted towards it and stopped at the entrance. It was Vegas and as he came nearer I could clearly see he was carrying a child.

I screamed at him as soon as he came into the earshot, "Where were you? And whose child is this?" I was totally exasperated.

"My son. Now let's go." He said in a bored tone as he paced towards the exit.

"Wha- whaa....what?"


Hi guys! How have you been? I hope you liked the chapter. If you did please don't forget to like and comment. Love you all 💖

 Love you all 💖

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Allrounder...hehe 😁

Also guys please pray for me. I'm going through a very tough time right now. 🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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