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Vegas' P.O.V

Something feels very wrong. I know he told Nop that he's going to the main house and I should trust him, but I still need to confirm for my own sanity. Because if something happens to him, the world would know hell.

I went back to my room and grabbed my phone. I quickly dailed Kinn's number. He didn't pick up the first time so I called again. This time he did. I could hear shouting in the background and knew what could've happened, but I still needed confirmation.

"What do you want? Look whatever it is, it not a good time now." He was clearly frustrated.

"Woah, okay I got it. Just tell me if Pete reached there safely and then you can go back to fighting the war."

"Pete?" He seemed confused and I didn't like where this was going.

"Yes Pete, your former head bodyguard and Porche's bestfriend?"

"I know who he is, I was just confused because he isn't here. I thought you knew."

"How would I know? Weren't you the one who called him over?"

"Yes and he even texted me saying he was coming but never did, so I assumed you were the one who forbade him from coming here."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I was really pissed.

"Vegas I have my own problems here."

"Do you think I give a shit." I took a deep breath to control my anger because I wanted answers from him.

"When did he tell you he was coming? At what what time specifically?"

"Around 5:30ish..." There was a pause before he spoke again, "tell me if you need any help."

"Fuck off. I'll deal with you once I find him."

I ended the call and called Nop. Hearing the urgency in my voice, he came running. I explained him the situation and told him to track Pete's phone. Meanwhile I told other bodyguards to check the nearby CCTV camera footage and prepare weapons. 

I went back to my room to get my gun. Nop knocked on the door a few seconds later.

"The last location shows Fairfield warehouse and then the phone is either turned off or destroyed."

"Let's go."

It took us 30 mins to reach there. Throughout the ride, I felt very restless. Yes i was very angry but the most overpowering emotion I was feeling right now was fear.

I was afraid of losing him, afraid that I could never see his blissful smile again, that I could never feel the warmth of his arms again or I would lose a part of my soul tonight. I was trying very hard to be optimistic but the negative thoughts were pushing me to the edge.

As soon as we reached there, I almost ran out of my car into the warehouse. My men broke down the main door and started searching throughout the building. Please be safe. Please be safe. I was internally pleading.

After searching the whole area and every nook and corner of this place, we still couldn't find him. Where did he go?

A few seconds later a bodyguard came running towards us. I pushed everyone aside and rushed towards him.

"What is it? Did you find something?"

"Yes sir. I found this broken phone in the nearby area and this wristband of a watch on the road ahead."

I took the phone fron him and I could clearly see it was Pete's phone. My heart sank and I almost lost my shit when I noticed the wristband. I instantly recognised it.

At first I was confused as to why it was here, since I remember it was a very expensive gift and Pete vowed he would never wear it. But why now? Does this mean something? I told Nop to drive me home. I had to check something.

As soon as we reached home, I ran to our room and frantically started searching for the box.  I finally found it in the cupboard. I took it out and started to carefully examine it. The glossy black box shone from the moonlight and had a very minimalist design. There was nothing but just their brand emblem marked in gold at the top center of the box. I opened it and saw that Pete's watch was missing, just as I expected.

Besides the empty space for the watch there was my watch. At first there seemed to be nothing in the satin clad box except the watch but after careful examination, I noticed a card perfectly embedded onto the sides of the box. I took it out and saw that there were instructions written on it, on how to activate the tracking device in the watch.

I instantly breathed in a sigh of relief and activated the tracking system next, by connecting it to my phone. I ran back downstairs and informed Nop about everything and told him to gather men. After a few mins we took off for the location. It was constantly changing though, which meant they're on the move.

Their location finally stopped moving and we got ready to raid the place. We parked our cars a bit far away so that they wouldn't be suspicious. We tried our best to conceal ourselves, meanwhile also keeping an eye on them. It seemed they stopped at another warehouse which looked older and more beaten up than the previous one.

There were only 2 cars outside and no other mode of transportation which means there are at least 10 - 15 people in there. I knew we could easily overpower them, so I ordered my men to raid the place. They cleared the path for me while I searched for my top priority.


I am honestly in so much pain right now, it's making me feel dizzy. Sorry couldn't write any longer.

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