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Vegas' P.O.V

Something feels off. I don't know what it is but something doesn't make sense. At first when I heard Pete's story and that he was asked to come to Fairfield warehouse, my blood immediately boiled.

That warehouse belonged to khun Korn's friend and I assumed it was his doing but then it hit me. It would actually be impossible. Khun Korn is many things but he isn't a idiot.

If he was behind this he would never ask him to come to a warehouse connected to him. That only leaves us with one thing...

"Someone is trying to frame khun Korn for this." I voice out my opinion as everyone looks at me.

"Huh? How do you know?" Kinn asked.

I mentally facepalmed myself. So much for being the future leader of the main house.

"The warehouse, as we all know, belongs to khun Korn's friend. Someone is either trying to make us believe that it's khun Korn's doing or he's trying to distract us."

"Also," I continued, "I think this person is after Pete. This person's behaviour towards us, especially him, is too weird not to consider the possibility."

I look at khun Korn and he nodded, silently agreeing with me. Other members had grim faces too, trying to understand who would do this and why?

I didn't want to share my suspicion but of course if these people knew Pete is in danger he would be doubly protected and I want nothing else except to keep him safe. I will happily choose him over my ego and hate for the major family.

There was only one person though who seethed as soon as he heard Pete's name and vocally expressed his anger - Tankhun.

Pete tried to calm him down but he dragged him out of the conference room. I was about to get up but khun Korn motioned me sit down. I reluctantly let them go.

The meeting went on for another 50 minutes. We discussed various things and khun Korn assigned different tasks to different people.

Mine and Pete's job was to dig through our family history and business partners to find out if my father might have any unknown dispute with someone.

Honestly I was very uncomfortable and resistant towards this idea but I couldn't deny the possibility. I would have never agreed to share our personal information with them, but since this might involve Pete I'm willing to do anything.

After the meeting ended I went straight to Tankhun's room, Kinn and Porche following behind me. When we reached his room I was surprised to find it locked.

I looked over to Kinn, then to Porche silently asking them what is happening but they just shrugged. Just then I saw Tankhun's bodyguards, I think their names we Arm and Pol, walking back into the house.

I called them and they came running towards me.

"Yes khun Vegas? Do you want anything?" They had worried look plastered on their faces, as they slightly trembled. Good be afraid. Be very afraid.

"Where is Tankhun and Pete?"

"I don't know about Pete khun, but khun No is in the garden feeding his fishes."

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