Chap 5

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Pete's P.O.V

Vegas forced me to take a nap with him. I woke shortly afterwards due to the buzzing sound coming from my phone. I didn't want to wake him up so I put it on silent mode and tried to discreetly leave the bed but Vegas was holding me too tightly.

After a few minutes of struggle I was finally free and he made a faint sound of discomfort. I'm sorry but I've work to do.

I pulled the blanket back up and covered up his body fully, then went to freshen up.

I came out 10 mins later and directly went towards my phone to check who was texting me like crazy.

There were a lot of messages and I internally groaned. I texted back Khun Kinn who asked me to come over since he was about to tell Porche about the letter.

I wasn't in the mood to reply to every text at the moment so I decided to close my phone but as I was about to do so, a message from an unknown number caught my eye.

"Check your email."

I got confused about who would send such text but was curious too. So I decided to check my email while having something to eat.

I went downstairs and told the cook to make me french toast and coffee. I sat on the dining table and opened my email. There were a lot of spam emails and as I was scrolling through the emails, a name immediately caught my eye. My eyes widened and I opened the email at once.

The sender was Jap.

I immediately became alert and quickly opened the email. There was a photo attached. My eyes widened when I opened it. Porchay looked messy. He was tied to a chair, his clothes were covered in dirt and his eyes were full of tears.

I noticed there was something written under the picture,
"Come meet me at Fairfield warehouse, alone. Don't tell anyone about it or he'll die. I've my eyes and ears on you. You only have 90 mins."

Anger rose within me and I immediately checked the time. It was 5:30 that meant I only had 60 mins left. I ran upstairs and quietly entered our room, so as not to wake Vegas up. If he wakes up now it would create a big problem for me. I took the car keys and as I was about to leave, I remembered something. I ran towards my cupboard and took my watch. I gave one last glace towards Vegas who was sleeping peacefully, then left straight away.

I didn't know what dangers I was about to encounter, but if I didn't do this Porchay's life would be in danger and I can't have that. Moreover I was the head bodyguard, I know how to defend myself but he doesn't. He's just a kid, he shouldn't be going through this.

I spotted Nop as I was leaving the house. Not to raise any suspicion, I tell him that I'm going to the Main house. I hope when Vegas wakes up and realises I'm gone, he wouldn't be too angry.

My head was full of questions and I could hardly focus on the road. I was really confused about many things at this point. Firstly, why did the kidnapper send the letter to our house and not to Porche or Khun Kinn?

Secondly, why did he specifically ask me to come, instead of Porche or Khun Kinn? I am not that close to Porchay and we hardly know each other. Why me then?

Also last but not the least why Fairfield warehouse? As far as I can remember that warehouse belongs to one of the friends of Khun Korn and has been temporarily abandoned for the past 2 years.

And to top it all off I am incredibly worried about Vegas. I know he would soon realise something is wrong and would get very angry. I am afraid, in his uncontrollable anger, he would fight with Khun Kinn which would further disrupt their bad realationship.

I knew where Fairfield warehouse was, so I drove there right away, but it still took me 45 mins to reach there. I parked the car nearby and slowly treaded towards the warehouse. I didn't want to make myself known yet. I was trying to assess my surroundings but I couldn't find anything.

Since time was running out I gave up and walked out of the shadows. I called for someone...anyone, but there was no answer. I was about to lose hope when I heard footsteps behind me and the sound of swinging something.

My reflexes were quick as always and I caught that metal rod before it hit me. I turned around to see a man a little bit shorter but bulkier than me, trying to release the rod from my hands. I instinctively kicked his stomach and he immediately fell down.

Just as I thought it was over, about a dozen men came from nowhere and surrounded me. I gripped the metal rod tightly in my hands, to use it as a weapon. They came swinging at me, all at once and I tried my best to fight them off but thier weapons were much better than mine and they seemed to be increasing in number. As their knives cut into my skin and their chains restricted me, I slowly lost my defence.

I was trying hard not to give up but then someone hit me on the head and my eyes instantly saw stars. I was losing consciousness and prayed Vegas would find my clue and get here as soon as possible. Because if he doesn't both of us would probably be dead soon.

I collapsed on the floor as darkness overtook me.


So guys what do you think is the clue Pete left for Vegas?
Also I know I'm not the best at writing, but I'm trying so please bear with me.
(Also, since English isn't my native language, it gets hard sometimes to explain somethings.)
I would really appreciate it if you'd vote for this and other chapters too. Thank you 😊

P.S Our baby Bui is the prettiest baby in the entire world 🌎

S Our baby Bui is the prettiest baby in the entire world 🌎

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