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Vegas' P.O.V

Pete didn't talk to me till an hour before we were to leave. Although it was more because Khun No didn't allow me to meet Pete and this time I let him keep me away.

I couldn't help but be anxious although I know whatever I am doing is necessary so that no harm comes to him. I can risk everything but him. I know, but it still wasn't enough to make me bear being apart from him.

Just when I was about to barge into Khun No's room and drag him out of there, someone opened my door distracting my thought process for a while.

I was irritated yet intrigued too about who it was. My room was dark without any source of light, but the corridor did have its light sources - so I was only able to see the person's dark outline at the door.

But it didn't matter as soon as I stood up and smelled a particular scent, I immediately ran upto him and engulfed him in my arms.

My body instinctively relaxed as soon as he hugged me back. We stayed like that for what felt like eternity but then I had to let him go. I turned on the lights and took his hand into my own, walking him towards the bed.

"Pete, I'm-" I stopped as soon as he cupped my face with his other hand.

"It's okay Vegas, I know." He gave my his beautiful smile, trying to assure me. I smiled back.

"I'm sorry, Pete. I'm really sorry."

"I know, baby." He smiled again and then kissed my temple.

"I just want you to be safe.... I'll do anything to make sure of that", I paused to look directly into his eyes, "Anything! You know that, right?"

" I know. But..." He paused to use his other hand to cup my face too. "Vegas you're equally as important to me. I don't want you to get hurt either. Especially if it's because of me."

I took a deep breath as I cupped his hand on my face, "Pete I promise I won't get hurt but most importantly it's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself for someone else's madness."

"Okay...But make sure you fulfill your promise."

"I will."

We stayed like that for a few minutes until someone came knocking at the door reminding me that we leave in 10 minutes. I kissed his forehead and took in his scent.

Then I started getting ready as he sat on my bed. I was done within five minutes because as discussed before we wouldn't be changing for the party here, so I wore something simple.

After I was done I extended my hand to him and he took it gracefully. We went downstairs where almost everyone was present except Kinn and Porche.

"Where Kinn?" I asked the group

"Khun Kinn hasn't still come down yet." One of the bodyguards replied.

Before I could say anything Porche walked in, with messy hair and crumpled clothes it was evident what had happened. Kinn followed behind him.

"Sorry I was doing stuff." Kinn Immediately made up an excuse.

"Didn't knew his name was stuff." Khun No pointed at Porche, to which he could only glare at him.

Porche then turned to Pete giving him his sad eyes and then hugged him.

"Be safe." Pete smiled at him.

"I would try my best." As always Porche gave him his cheeky grin.

Now that everyone was here we were all ready to go. I had decided and discussed with others that I'd leave last last. One by one cars left the main house.

I hadn't left Pete's hand since then but now it was my time to leave. I kissed his temple again taking in all of him.

"Please be safe."

"I promise." I squeezed his hand one last time then turned around to leave but from my peripheral vision I saw one ttge bodygards of Khun No nodding in Pete's direction.

This confused me and it seemed suspicious too, so before boarding my car I ordered Nop to assign someone to keep an eye on Pete. I don't know if he's upto something or I'm just being paranoid but it's better to be safe than sorry.

After driving for 15 minutes we reached the hotel. At this point others has already changed and left. I quickly went to my assigned room and changed my clothes.

It was a red suit with a white shirt with diamond cuffs. It reminded me of Pete. He likes the colour red and even though it's not even been an hour I still miss him terribly.

I took out my phone and asked Nop to tell the bodygard to send the updates directly to me. Not even a minute after, my phone chimed.

"With Sir Tankhun. Dyeing his hair."

Why the fuck is Khun No dyeing his hair at such a time? I could never understand him. Smh.

Relieved that he is safe, I go downstairs where another car is waiting for me. I get into the car and put on my mask, as we drive ahead to the party.

By the time I reached the venue others were already inside. I adjusted my mask and kept the fake invitation in my hand, as I walked towards the entrance.

After thoroughly checking me I went to the main entrance where they scanned the QR on the invitation. They asked me for my name and then checked the invitation again.

For a moment I thought I was about to get caught but their suspicious faces soon relaxed and they gave me a polite smile.

"Sorry for the inconvenience sir. You can go in."

I only lightly nodded and went ahead not once cracking the confident facade. It took me a few minutes to locate my group but I only lightly nodded at them in acknowledgement before going in the opposite direction.

Not even 10 minutes had passed, that I was alerted that Athit Saetang was finally in the vicinity. Now was our time to shine. Let the games begin, but you'll surely lose, Jap.


Hi guys? How have y'all been? What do you think will happen now? Do you think Pete is hiding something?

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