chap 3

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Pete's P.O.V

Before the thing could go any further a knock on the door interrupted us. At first Vegas didn't stop and ignored the knocking but then he got sick of it and I heard him sighing loudly in the nook of my neck. I could see how irritated he was and gave him a quick peck to calm him down. Lord save the person who experiences his wrath.

He went to see who it was at the door and I went to get his medicines from the drawer. When I got back he immediately hugged me.

"What happened?" I felt he was suddenly very stressed.

"I have to go."

"What? Where?"

"Main house. Khun Korn called me to come immediately. There seems to be an emergency."


"It's okay. I'll be back soon." He interrupted me, probably sensing my worry.

"Fine but I'll go with you."

"It's okay you can have some rest till I come back."

"No, I am coming with you. It wasn't a suggestion." I saw him smile.

"Okay, let's go."

It took us only 15 minutes to get there. To be honest I was feeling nervous and weird coming back here for the first time since I left my job to stay besides Vegas.

From what I've heard my reputation has taken quite a dip since then. I hope everything goes smoothly. I'm more afraid of what Vegas would do if somebody said something. It wouldn't be pretty.

As soon as we reached there 4 bodyguards rushed out to receive us. Something was very weird and my suspicion was rising. We got out of the car quietly, Vegas holding my hand tightly. The bodygards led us to Korn's office and entered without knocking.

As soon as we stepped into the office everybody turned their eyes towards us. The room was weirdly quite and everyone was gathered around Korn's table. Even khun Kim who rarely comes home was here and he looked very stressed.

Suddenly my eyes fell on Porshe who was sitting on the sofa, his head slumped down as his hands covered his face. After few seconds of us there, he looked up and I saw how his eyes were filled with tears and his whole face was a mess.

I immediately ran to him and hugged him. He weakly hugged me back. I looked over to the group of people silently asking them for answers but nobody spoke, so I had no other choice but to ask him directly.

"What happened Porche? Are you okay? It's okay, I'm here. You can tell me." I tried to be as gentle as possible.

His eyes brimmed with tears again as he hugged me again tightly, "Porchay..." He couldn't finish his sentence but I got a faint idea and my breath hitched. I rubbed his back to try to calm him down.

"Porchay...I can't find him anywhere. He's gone. I don't know where he is."

My heart broke for my best friend. I know he loves his brother more than anything else in this world. Porchay is his only family, I can understand how he must be feeling.

Meanwhile Vegas went upto his cousins and inquired about the whole case. I could clearly hear what they were saying. Apparently Porche was studying psychology in Chulalongkorn University and lived in the university dorms, but yesterday Porche and Kinn went up to check on him but he was nowhere to be found.

According to his professor, he hasn't been attending classes past few days too and his roommate said he hasn't been back to his dorm room past few days, so he assumed Porchay must have gone to see his brother.

Since yesterday they've done anything and everything to find him but couldn't find a single clue. They called Vegas here because he is pretty well know for digging up people who couldn't be found. They wanted him to help them in finding Porchay.

Vegas agreed and till midnight he tried his best to find Porchay while I stayed besides Porche, comforting him the whole time. In the end it was finally decided that we all should get some rest and continue the search tomorrow. I didn't want to leave Porche alone but khun Kinn promised me that he'll take care of him and that I should get some rest too.

By the time we reached Minor house, I was too tired to keep my eyes open. Vegas carried me to our room and I forced myself to take a quick bath and change my clothes. Vegas too didn't take much time and as I was falling deeper in my slumber I could feel two arm snake around my waist, as he pulled me closer to him. I turned to him and hugged him back tightly. I fell asleep as he caressed my cheeks.

We were woken in the early morning hours by the sound of glass shattering. Vegas immediately got out bed and moved towards the scene. But a lot of bodygards had gathered there before him. As soon as they saw him they corrected their form and came to report to him.

"What happened?" Vegas inquired

"Someone broke the living room's window by throwing rocks at it."

"Did you see who did it?" Vegas was clearly pissed.

"No sir, sorry. We tried to find the culprit by searching the whole area but we couldn't find anything." Nop said, his head down, regret clear in his voice.

Just as Vegas was about to say say something another bodygard came in running, something clutched in his hands.

"Sir...Sir..." He was panting when he reached us, "this paper was covering one of the rocks thrown at us."

He put forth his left hand and Vegas immediately snatched that paper angrily. I could clearly see his expression change as soon as he saw what was on the paper. Curiosity got the best of me and I took the paper from his hands and my breath hitched as soon as I saw the contents written in blood.

He's with me. Come get him.
I'll give you 48 hours.
~ Jap


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