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Pete's P.O.V

As soon as I saw Nop rushing in, I could sense something was very wrong. But when Vegas read the card I knew something disastrous was about to happen. I caressed his cheeks and asked him about it. I was so confused; who could send me flowers except from Vegas and if he's getting so angry I knew it wasn't him.

He looked at me with extreme anger in his eyes and uttered a single name that I've come to despise the most - Jap. I understood his anger now but I still wanted to know what was written on this card that made him so angry.

Curiosity got the best of me and I took this crumbled card from his hands and before he could snatch it away, I managed to read what was written on it and it gave me chills.

Dear Pete,

Why did you run away? I miss you terribly. But don't worry I'll soon make you mine. I promise.


And before I knew it the card was passed around and everyone had read it. 

"What a freaking creep! Oye, my baby Peteeee, don't worry we'll protect baabyyy....." Khun No clinged on my arm.

My mind went blank at that moment and I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled. Vegas took my other free hand and started to caress my hand with his thumb. With his other hand he caressed my cheek, which helped to ease my mind a little.

"Are you okay? Do you want to rest for a bit?" Vegas looked so worried, it made me feel guilty.

"No I'm totally fine." I smiled at him trying to diffuse the situation but it didn't seem to ease his mind.

We all went to the conference room after that to further discuss the situation. In the middle of our discussion, Nop interrupted us which is weird because he has never done that.

"Khun Vegas, sorry for the interuption. I know I shouldn't probably say this information in front of everyone but it's related to the situation."

"Its okay. Tell me what is it, Nop?" Vegas turned to him.

"Sir I looked into Arthit as you ordered. Everything he said about himself turned out to be the truth. But do you remember he said he had a girlfriend? Well that's true too. And the claim that those kidnappers might probably be of his girlfriend's ex seemed to be true too."

"I don't understand, then what's the problem?"

"The problem sir is that I looked into the warehouse and it belongs to his girlfriend's dad."

"What?" Vegas' anger was evident.

"Yes sir. And the DNA on the page couldn't be matched with anyone from our database and Arthit doesn't come under our database so I couldn't check if it was his but it was definitely human blood. And here's the intresting thing - the blood group of the blood on the page was AB+ and Arthit's blood group is AB+ too. Although it doesn't prove much, I think we should look deeper into him."

"That son of a bitch, I was right. He is a dangerous person." Vegas hissed under his breath.

"Also sir", Nop continued, "it seems sir Pete and Arthit went to the same middle school." I could see Vegas' eyes widening again.

"What? Really? But I don't remember him or any guy named Arthit." I was soo confused.

"That might be because he changed his name. His name was Thong Khao in middle school." Nop said as he turned towards me, "He changed his name after moving in with his father. In fact he changed everything about him after he started living with his father. He even lived in the same town that you did. Although not many people know about this."

"Thong Khao....Thong Khao...." I unconsciously repeated his him trying to filter any memory of him and then suddenly it hit me, "Thong Khao! I remember him now." Everyone was looking at me now.

"Yes, there was a thong in our middle school. We weren't the best of friends but friends indeed. I met him during the beginning of middle school and by the end of it he was gone."

I look at Nop, "I remember he was a very meek and innocent kid but because he was poor he was often bullied by others and that is why I kept him by my side. Since everyone knew I was good at fighting nobody bothered him anymore. Eventually we did get closer," I momentarily looked at Vegas and he's practically throwing daggers at me, " friends. But by the end our our middle school he was gone. Nobody knew where or why."

"Yes that's the same time he came to the city to move in with his father." Nop explained.

"Wait, but then what happened to his mother?"

"Mother?" Nop seemed confused.

"Yes mother," I clarified, "he lived with his mother in middle school and because she was sick most of the times, she wasn't able to earn much which pushed them towards poverty."

"Are you sure sir Pete? There is not a single mention of his mother in any sources. Even my own sources confirmed that he lived with his aunt then after middle school moved in  with his father."

"No, I'm sure she was his mom. I've gone to his house once and met her there and by the way she acted there's no way she's just an aunt. Plus, he did introduce her as his mother."

"If that's actually his aunt what happened to her after he moved in with his father?", Vegas questioned Nop.

"After he moved in, a large amount of money was transferred into her account and from then onwards no traces of her can be found. The strange thing is that the money is still untouched."

"That is indeed strange."

"But how's that connected to Pete? They've know each other only for a short time and that too in middle school. What motive could he have to do all this?" Khun Kinn joined in.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, it doesn't look like it's going to end soon." Vegas looked grim and that made me worried for him. I hope all this ends soon.


So guys how was chapter? What do you think is Arthit's motive? And what do you think happened to his aunt?
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 Love you guys ❤️

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