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Pete's P.O.V

As soon as I saw those photos my breath hitched and shivers ran down my spine.

"What the fuck?" I was truly terrified.

There were pictures of two rooms shown by P'Nop. The first room was fairly normal in our sense. It was dark, with minimal lighting. There was blood all over the surface and things hidden behind plastic sheets. On the left side there was a chair next to a small table filled with all kinds of torture material and many ropes were on the floor.

The other pictures taken from this room confirmed my suspicion that it was indeed a torture room. But what would he need it for? I thought to myself.

My questions were answered when I saw the horrific pictures of the second room that made my blood run cold.

I've never seen anything like this. In the picture the room was evidently fairly large. It was dark and dusty and blood was all over the place. But that's not what caught our attention.

The thing that horrified us were the many large hooks attached to the ceiling of the room. To these hooks were hanging many bodies of men, hung by their heads on the hooks.

They were completely stripped and evidently beaten and bruised. Also their hearts had been brutally cut out from their bodies.

Later photos had even more chilling details. Their hearts were all burnt down and the whole floor was a pool of blood.

It was only after P'Nop showed us the pictures of all these victims that things started to make sense.

All these victims were somehow similar to me. Though only a few looked exactly like me, all the others had some extreme similarities with me.

I was absolutely disgusted with his actions and felt guilty for their demise. I cannot stop thinking about how they might have all died this gruesome death because of me. I couldn't even listen to one thing that had been discussed in the meeting.

Everyone kept looking at me. I know what they're thinking, I know that they care but their pitying looks are honestly making it much more worse.

After the meeting ended I excused myself. I couldn't bear their looks and this guilt any longer. I wanted to cry but somehow I wasn't able to. I started to feel numb and wished the world would stop, at least for some time.

I layed down on the sofa in the room that was given to us. I tugged my legs upto my chest and it was only then that my tears decided to slip out.

Not even 5 minutes had passed when I could hear someone gently opening the door and even though I couldn't see who it was, somehow I just knew.

He sat on the floor in front of the sofa I was laying on and started to caress my cheeks. He then gently wiped off my tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to see that."

I shaked my head, "It's not your fault." I tried to smile but couldn't.

"How are you feeling?" His voice was soft and soothing.

"I feel so guilty. I cannot stop thinking about how they all probably died this gruesome death because of me." I sat up and he sits next to me.

He hugs me and rubs my back to calm me down, "it's not your fault. He is a fucked up person. He did all of that, it's not your fault. Please stop saying that."

"I promise I'll keep you safe. I'll make that fucker pay for everything he has ever done. I promise okay?" Vegas say as he pulls me back a little. I just nod and he then kisses my forehead.

"Please get some rest. Everything will be alright, okay? I promise." I nod and  before I could stand up to walk to bed he lifts me in his arms and gently places me in the bed.

"I can walk you know?"

"I know baby." He smiles as he again kisses my forehead, then covers my body with the comforter.

"Please don't go."  I hold onto him by his sleeves.

"I'm not going anywhere, my love. I'll change my clothes and be back in a minute."


Thanks to Vegas I did calm down a little but somehow my guilt was still eating me up alive. I wish this would end as soon as possible.

Vegas came 5 minutes later and engulfed me in his arms. I placed my head on his chest and slowly drifted to sleep.

When I woke up Vegas was not in the bed with me so I decided to get up too and eat something as I was feeling quite hungry.

It was midnight so the house was eerily quite. I made my way into the kitchen and saw Vegas cooking somthing.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh you're here." He pulled me in his arms and kissed my temple. "Great I was making something for you to eat. You must have been hungry since you had nothing since morning."

"But you didn't too. Did you eat something?"

"Yes mommy of course." He winked at me.

"Vegas!" I silently shouted as blush crept on my cheeks.

"What you don't like it?"

"No, of course not!"

"But your face is saying something else."

I quickly turned around and sat on the chair on the other side. "What are you talking about?" Denying is the key kids.

"Nothing, my love. Here I made you Tom yum goong."

"Thank you." I smiled at him but stopped before even eating my first bite. He looked at me confused but I had to confirm something again.

"Are you sure you ate something?"

He sighed and then gave me a sweet peck on the lips before answer. "I promise I did...........mommy" He added with a mischievous smile.

"Veeegas stop teasing me!!" I whined

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Please eat."

He sat on the opposite side as he watched me eat and somehow I've never felt more loved.


So guys, how was the chapter? Did you guess correctly what was in the pictures?
One more thing I wanted to add to the picture of the hooks (that are usually used to hang up butchered animals) but then I thought that those pictures might be triggering to some people so I avoided it.

P.S. In the next chapter I would be doing a Q&As so if you have an suggestion or confusion or question feel free to ask. 🥰


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