Chapter 7

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Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. I have my exam tomorrow and that's why I wasn't able to post it earlier 😭
                     Vegas' P.O.V

I started searching every nook and corner of the warehouse. There were a few men on the ground floor and they were handled by my men. There was no sign of Pete so I ran up to the first floor. It was eerily quiet and dark. Way darker than the ground floor. There was no light source so I was finding it difficult to see anything.

Suddenly there was a loud noise and the whole floor lit up. I couldn't see anyone between the heaps of boxes and containers, but my senses were tickling. I knew there was some sort of danger hiding itself in the shadows. I gripped my gun firmly and slowly began to move forward.

The silence was creeping me out and it wasn't a good sign. The more I moved forward the more my gut feeling screamed at me not to. But I didn't care, I had to find Pete and make sure he was safe. So I ignored it and carried on my search.

Just then a guy walked out of the shadows, a machete in his hand. He started to search the area and was about to find me when my men came. They shot him right away and as Nop noticed me I motioned him to search the area.

It didn't take us long to notice there was no one else on the first floor either. There was nowhere else to go. I tried my best to find him but I still felt like a failure, like I disappointed Pete, which ripped my soul apart.

"There's no one here. It's strange because the tracking device points exactly at this location. We should've at least been able to find the watch but we couldn't find that either." Nop explained his confusion to me.

"Search the whole area again, every nook and corner. Check the boxes, the containers, anything and everything. Go." I wasn't giving up on Pete ever, no matter how futile every effort may seem.

Not even 10 minutes later Nop with another bodyguard came running towards me. 

"You need to come with us."

Without any words I followed them outside the warehouse towards the backside of the building. They showed me a heavy steel door covered by dust and grass on the ground. When opened, it led to a narrow set of stairs going downwards.

One by one all of us descended into a cellar with nothing but a door on the left side of its dark gray walls. We opened the door to find a tunnel, barely able to fit a human, leading to the basement.

Without making any noise we positioned ourselves on either side of the door of the basement, stuffing ourselves in the small space, while others got ready to open the door.

When everybody was ready my men kicked open the door and immediately started to shoot anyone who came in our way.

The basement was fairly big with stacks of containers in it, making it like a maze. We divided into groups and each group went into different directions.

Me, Nop and other 8 men started searching the area right in front of us. As we moved forward we saw a group of men patrolling the empty area in the middle. We hid ourselves and just at the right moment started shooting. They were killed instantly.

I still didn't find Pete. My anxiety and fear were growing each second. We kept shooting and killing anyone who was unfortunate enough to meet us. Then on another turn we found ourselves in another empty area filled with these insects.

Just as I was about to shoot, someone else attacked them first. Confused I signalled the group to hold back. After everyone was dead a small group of people came out of the shadows and when they turned in our direction my eyes instantly lit up.

Since we were concealed Pete couldn't see us. But I could clearly see it was Pete, Porchay and five other unknown men. All I wanted to do was to run up to him and hold him tightly in my arms, but I needed to make sure he was safe before that.

I noticed he had a gun in his hand and was actively trying to help the other five men, which would mean they aren't our enemies. I came out of the shadows with my men behind me and they instantly pointed the gun towards us.

The moment Pete saw me he came running towards me and I never needed to or wanted to touch him any more than at this moment. I engulfed him in my arms and kept repeating his name, making sure that I wasn't dreaming. That he's safe, he's here with me.

Our reunion was interrupted by someone clearing his throat. I looked over Pete's shoulder to see a man, clad in black clothes from top to bottom, with the most menacing look in his eyes and I instantly knew I was going to hate him for the rest of my life, no matter who he was.


Once again sorry and I hope you'll like the chapter. 🥺

See you next weekend. Take care of yourselves. Also I have an exam tomorrow please pray for me 🥹😭

 Also I have an exam tomorrow please pray for me 🥹😭

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