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I was barely able to keep my tears in. He's the best thing to ever happen to me. Pete's an angel, there's no doubt about it but he also is so mature at times.

Most of the times he acts like a child with me but when the situation asks, he handles it so adequately.

Why? Why would such a good person want to be with a devil like me, who does nothing but hurt him all the time. Does he not get tired of my bullshit. Does he really love me that much?

I walked silently behind him and it is only when we are seated that Pete notices there is only food for one.

"Oh, There's only one."

"Yeah because I brought it just for you"

"Why? Did you eat?"

"No. I not feeling hungry"

" know what? Stay here"

"Where are you going?" I was about to stand up.

"Don't move from your place. I'll be back in a minute.....or five" and then dashed towards the door. I sighed and slumped into the couch. After 10 minutes he came in with a wooden tray in his hands.

"I brought you pasta. I know you like it." He said with a smile.

"I could've eaten anything. Your food is getting cold" I couldn't stop smiling too.

"It's okay. Now we can eat together."

We ate our meal in comfortable silence. Afterwards a housemaid came in to clean up. Meanwhile I took a shower. When I came out the maid was gone and Pete was already in bed. He was reading something on his iPad and looked really cute concentrating.

I chuckled which in turn caught Pete's attention. He gave me a look, voicelessly asking me why I was laughing. I didn't know what to say so I tried to change the topic.

"What are you reading?"

"Some files that Nop send." He said in a bored tone.

I knew what files he was talking about so I didn't question any further.
I closed the iPad's cover and snached it from his hands.

"You're not giving me attention."

"I'm working!"

"Yeah I know but no work should be more important than me. I will tell Nop to give you a lot less work from tomorrow so you can properly focus on me."

"Absolutely not. There's a lot of work to do. You can't put it all on Nop. Please stop acting like a child and sleep."

My shoulders slumped and I let out a heavy sigh. I was about to get off the bed when Pete suddenly caught my arm. And when I turned towards him, he kissed me. It caught me by surprise and before I could even react he went back to his original position.

"Sleep. You must be tired. You had a fever all day and your health may decline if you keep exerting your body." He said it in the softest voice and my heart couldn't take it. I took his face in my palms and kissed him softly.

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