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Vegas' P.O.V

After everyone finished their breakfast, we all gathered in the conference room. I waited until everyone was settled to begin what I wanted to say. I stood up and walked to the centre of the conference room so that everyone's attention would be on me and they could clearly hear me.

"As everyone here already knows we've gained quite a lot of information about Jap." I clenched my jaw as I say so. "And so I think it's the right time to finally end him. But before we do that let's go over what we already know, then I'll be sharing more information about him too."

I lightly nod my head as a cue and Nop immediately understood. He handed me a file which I placed on the table, though not gently. I saw few people flinch, knowing that they were more scared of what I was about to do than what was about to come.

"The day we rescued Pete and Porchay, we helped another person to escape, who claimed to have been kidnapped too. He introduced himself as Athit Saetang, owner of Infinity Enterprise. At first nothing seemed to be wrong but I had a bad feeling so I told Nop to look into him."

I looked around then continued, "As all of you already heard, the warehouse where Porchay and Pete was held captive is owned by Athit's girlfriend's dad - that's one clue. Also Athit knew Pete from middle school, that's another clue. He also has the same blood type as the blood on the paper. These things although doesn't conclude that he is Jap but it also leaves us with only two possibilities - either he is Jap or he knows who the fuck this Jap is and is actively trying to help him."

"That means even if he's not Jap, seeing the extent of help he is providing, Jap is clearly someone very close to him." Kim said from the back of the room.


"What do you plan on doing now?" It was Kinn who initiated the discussion this time.

"We cannot just attack him. I observed his tactics, his speech, his plans and can clearly see that he's very clever. Since he also might have his eyes on us, he'd either leave before we get to him or trap us again."

"What are we going to do then?" Pete said and my eyes immediately softened.

"Party." I simply state.

"Huh?...Vegas I know you're crazy but this is not the time for partying. Give us an actual plan." Porche almost screamed.

I sigh, rubbing my temple before answering him, "listen to me first before screaming. According to my sources Arthit is a very private person and rarely goes anywhere. If we make any haste move he'll hide and we'll never find him again."

"It also doesn't help that he probably has his eyes on us, so we need to be very careful about who we trust." Everyone nods in agreement.

"Moving on the party I was talking about is a gala that Athit's girlfriend's father hosts every year. This is one of the rare places he goes to once a year. This is the best opportunity for us because we can easily mingle in the crowd. Every other occasion that he attends is very private and hard for all of us to get into."

I look over to Arm before speaking again, "Their guest records are digitally managed so I hope you can hack into it and sneak us in the list. Make sure to use an alias and not any of our real names because even if he gets a wind of our existence there, he wouldn't come."

Arm nodded in confirmation. With that out of the way I continued, "The Gala is day after tomorrow. Dress your best, no one should look out of place it'll attract attention, which I assume you know by now is something we definitely don't want."

I look over towards Pete. I knew he would be against what I was about to say, but I can't take any chances. I have to do this wether he likes it or not.

"We can take some of our men inside as bodyguards but they have to stay in another room. Find your way to us when we signal you to. Kinn and I would arrive first. Then Kim, Porche and Nop. Make sure you arrive at least 10-15 minutes after us. Bodyguards would be coming with us half with us and others with Kim and Porche."

"Wait..wait, what about me?" Pete interrupted.

As much as it pained me I put on a crude face before answering him, "You're not coming with us."

"Wait! What? Why?"

"Their Target is you Pete. I can't risk this mission for you."

As soon as the words left mouth not only Pete but everyone in the room has sour faces. But it doesn't matter as long as he is safe.  I'm sorry Pete. I'm truly sorry.

"But...." Pete was about to say something but I didn't let him continue, knowing that if I did he'll eventually convince me.

"Enough. You're not going, end of discussion."

Pete opened his mouth again about to say something but then decided against it. I took a sharp breath before finally giving the last part of the speech.

"Also don't dress fancy before leaving the house, take your clothes with you and we'll change in a hotel halfway. Don't leave all at once. At least wait 15 mins before leaving. I've already discussed this plan with Khun Korn and he's okay with it."

"Okay, does anyone have any questions?" I say as I stood back at my place.

I looked around but no one seemed or wanted to say anything. "Alright then, the meeting is dismissed."

As soon as these words left my mouth, people started to immediately leave, almost rushing for the exist. Though Pete didn't move from his seat. I took a step in his direction but before he or I could say anything Khun No dragged him out of the room. He didn't resist which made things easier for Khun No.

"You're such a dick Vegas." Porche said before following them.

It's okay. He'll be safe here. I tried to reason with myself, but somehow felt very uneasy. I can only hope everything goes well.


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