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Hi guys, (I don't know why I always forget this but...) I just wanted to let y'all know that if you'll click on my profile you'll see a Spotify link. It will directly take to to the playlist I made for this book. But if you don't want to go through that trouble you can also search "Delicate - Vegapete" on Spotify and you'll see it. Thanks. :)

Happy reading!

Also guys please please go to ( and vote for biblebuild. We don't have much time left 🥹


Vegas' P.O.V

I freed myself from Kinn's grasp and walked towards Porche. He tilted his head a little, then suddenly, for a split second, widened his eyes and started backing away.

Kinn saw what was happening and grabbed my arm, "Vegas what are you doing?"

"He knows something" I simply state.

"Vegas are you out of your mind? How the hell would that be possible? We were in the same room and left together? Did you forget?"

I looked at him with a bored expression. He's so naive. How the fuck is he supposed to run a mafia like this?

I ignored his question and started moving towards Porche again. Again Kinn stopped me. "I said he doesn't know anything", his grip on me tightened.

"Ask him then." As soon as I said that Porche's breath hitched.

Now it was Kinn who looked suspiciously at him. "Do you know something?"

"Aeh! Ha ha...what are you talking about? What would I know? I definitely do not know anything. He he."

Both of us gave him the look, telling him he's caught.

"Ugh, okay fine! He's in Khun No's room but I don't know where the key is."

"Ae Porshe you traitor!" Tankhun screamed at Porche, charging towards him. "I trusted you!"

"Oiii khun No just let it go. I am worried about Pete too but I know he will be safe with Vegas. Also I don't want to be brutally killed. I'm too young and handsome for that."


"Stop." An authoritative voice boomed behind us. We looked back only to find khun Korn walking towards us, followed by P'Chan.

"Vegas" he turns towards me, extending his arm, "here's the key to his room."

I immediately take it and walk, no, almost sprint towards Tankhun's room. I can hear him whining to his father, in the background.

I hastily opened the door as soon as I reached in front of his room. I opened the room and instantly my eyes fell upon my baby.

He was sitting on the sofa, a pillow in his arms, while his head was thrown back on the upper edge of sofa.

I walked towards him and he slowly opened his eyes as soon as he saw me he smiled. Oh lord the things I would do for that smile.

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