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I should've stopped, after I dragged him into our room; no, I should've stopped after he came back to me again and again, after he suffered with me all this time, after he did everything for me. I should've stopped. But I didn't.

He's right. I let my jealousy get the best of me. I'm so insecure and afraid that one day he'll find someone better and leave me. I don't want to let him go; not anywhere, not to anyone. I just want him to be mine.

But he's right. He's not a toy, he's part of my soul and somehow I have never been able to express my feelings fully. I'm scared he'll run away. I can live without anything in this world but not him. He's as necessary to me as oxygen. I'll die without him.

Yet even though I love him so much I always fuck up our chances and he's the one fixing up my shit. I don't know how I'm going to fix this now. I don't want him to leave.

"Please don't leave, Pete. I'll do anything, so please... please..." I kept pleading but he didn't stop. I hurt him pretty bad this time. How am I going to fix this? How am I going to earn back his love, his trust? How?

My legs gave up after I saw him leaving without even looking back. It felt like somebody had crushed my soul. I fell to the floor sobbing somehow wanting this nightmare to end.

The pain and tears blurred my eyes until I couldn't see anything but darkness and the abyss overtook me.

The moment I opened my eyes night had already befallen. I woke up confused but then memories started coming back to me and the vivid visuals of my mistakes made my heart ache in pain again.

I got off my bed only to realise I didn't sleep in it in the first place. Did Nop put me here? I should ask him.

I freshed up and went downstairs to find Nop but was greeted by someone's back, who seemed to be sleeping on the stairs. Besides him stood Nop.

I didn't need to see his face to know who he was. I thought he left but seeing him here makes my heart flutter in joy and ache in pain at the same time.

I hate that I hurt him and why is he sleeping here? On the cold floor, rather than sleeping in a room. My unsaid questions were silently answered by Nop. He came to me to ask me about my health. I was feeling fine but apparently I had a fever during the day. I didn't have a clue about that. I didn't remember.

About Pete, he didn't leave. He was the one who put me in bed and nurse me. I was the one who was always burdening him. Nop told me he hasn't eaten anything since morning and has been waiting here all day. Because he's mad at me but loves me too much to leave me.

And here I was, being an asshole to the person who loves me so much; judging him and suspecting his love. All because I am insecure and can't control my fucking jealousy.

I told Nop to go rest and leave the rest to me. Then I carried Pete to our bed, took off his clothes, gave him a sponge bath and then changed his clothes. I covered him with comforter and when I was confident that he was tucked in safely, I went downstairs to make him something to eat.

I made him Tom Yum soup and when I was finished I went upstairs to give it to him, only to find the bed empty. I started panicking a little but assured myself that he must be in the bathroom.

I put the food on table and went to check on Pete. To my surprise and relief, he was there, as I heard the shower running. Somewhere deep down I was afraid he would sprint away as soon as he woke up. But he didn't.

I decided not to knock and sat on the sofa, waiting for him. He came out 10 minutes later and as soon as he saw me his face turned sour. It hurt me more than I can explain in words, but I pretended not to notice.

"I made Tom Yum soup for you. Eat something. You haven't eaten since morning." I say as I slowly approach him.

He looked at me and sighed.

"Did you eat?"

"" I was surprised he was still talking to me. Usually when he is angry or annoyed with me he wouldn't talk to me. Not so easily. Why then? Is he being nice to me because he is planning to leave me? He wouldn't do that.

I shook my head and was about to go shower when Pete's voice stopped me.

"Come on, eat with me. You haven't eaten since morning too." He walked towards me as I turned towards him.

"How's your fever now? Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah..." He touched my forehead and cheeks to check my temperature and I melted in his touch.

"I thought you were going to leave me. I was so scared. I thought you wouldn't talk to me or look at me. It made me feel like dying." I look in his eyes and hope he sees my truth through my eyes.

Pete sighed again and this time his features softened.

"I'm not a child, Vegas. I love you and I'm not going to leave you because of you stupid mistakes. Yes you did hurt me, pretty badly too. But that doesn't mean I'll leave like a coward. I just went outside because I didn't want us to do or say anything stupid..." He paused for a second and his look changed, "which you already did." I hung my head in shame.

"I was disappointed in you but I still love you and I want to fix our issues and not create differences. Now I'm done talking. Come and eat, I'm getting hungry."


Hey guys so did you like the chapter? Don't forget to comment and like if you did! ♡
And also the picture at the top is the picture of Tom Yum soup for reference. Have a nice day!

My babies ♡ I love them so much 😭

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My babies ♡ I love them so much 😭

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