Chapter 16

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Vegas' P.O.V

Without another word I take the phone from his hands. Somebody had send him a picture - a picture of us sitting on the sofa, laughing and talking. It was evident this picture was taken few minutes ago. But who would do this?

I've tried my best to find the rat ever since that motherfuker Jap told he had his "eyes and ears" among us. But even with my abilities I wasn't able to find anything. This frustrates me to the point of insanity.

I roughly guessed from where the picture has been taken and checked the area but of course no one's there. I alerted Nop and was about to tell my men to search the whole area, when an idea struck me.

I called Nop to drive us to the main house. I gather all my things and ask Pete and Macau to accompany me.

We soon drove off for the main house with only my trusted bodyguards. I informed Kinn about the situation on the way and he agreed to go along with my plan.

When we reached there Kinn and the whole family were waiting for us including Porsche and Porchay. Khun No snatched away Pete as soon as he saw him, giving me a menacing stare. I didn't retaliate because I know it's my fault.

All of us quickly went to the conference room to discuss what to do next. For an hour the meeting went on - the discussion about what is going on and what we are going to do next.

All of us were now sure the target is Pete. The problem still was that nobody knew who the fuck Jap was and what he wanted from Pete. All of Pete's history and connections were checked too, but we couldn't find anything.

It was then decided that we would be staying in the main house for the time being. I didn't want that but I know it was necessary and I didn't want to compromise on anyone's safety.

I ordered Nop to bring our things from our house and started with my work. I thought the biggest problem  here would be living with my cousins but no; it was far worse than that. Khun No forced Pete to stay with him all the time so I barely even got to see him.

I didn't know how much I was used to Pete's presence until now. I couldn't sleep and was very uncomfortable. After an hour of thrashing around my bed I decided to wake up entirely and go do some work. But as I was about to stand up a gentle hand was felt on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" I relaxed back as soon as I heard his voice.

"I couldn't actually I can't sleep without you. I can't even relax without you. I cannot even breathe properly without you." I turn towards him, "What have you done to me?" I say as I engulf him in my arms.

He kissed the top of my head and ruffled my hair. "I'm here now. Let's go to sleep. We have to wake up early tomorrow."

I nod and we both got into the bed. I held him as he caresses my cheeks. "Goodnight baby, sweet dreams." His voice was so soft and soothing that I immediately fell into deep slumber.

The next morning when I woke up, Pete was still sleeping peacefully besides me. I kissed his temple and carefully got out of the bed so as to not wake him up. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes.

Pete was still sleeping by the time I got ready so I decided to wake him up. "Pete, baby come on wake up. Let's have breakfast together."

He just hummed in response but woke up after a second still groggy. His hair was sticking out of place and shirt had slid off from one side of his shoulder. He looked so cute and beautiful, I couldn't resist so I kissed his cheeks and shoulder.

"Vegaaaaasss......" He vined in response. So cute.

"Yes, baby?"


"Then get up and freshen up so we can have breakfast together." I smiled at him.

"Okay", he smiled back, showing off his cute dimples. God, how did I get so lucky.

After we were done with our breakfast, we were about to start our work when someone screamed Pete's name and nobody had to guess who it was. Khun No came running in, "Pete...Pete is gone!!! They took him!" and started crying and screaming.

Just then Pete came back from the kitchen holding a plate of pancakes. He looked so confused. "Khun No what are you doing on the floor? Come on, I made your favourite pancakes."

And just like that all the previous drama was forgotten. Although I can't say I wasn't jealous, but at least he shut his mouth. He gives me constant headaches.

It hadn't even been a minute when Nop came running in with a large boutique of red roses in one hand and a card in another. He halts as soon as he sees me.

"Ah, sir, that...."

"What is it? Speak properly. And what's up with these roses?"

"That," Without explaining anything he gave me the card. I was as confused as Pete, who was now besides me.

"Don't tell me you're proposing to Vegas. No...You know what? Good, very good. Take this asshole and I'll take back my baby Pete." Khun No started screaming from behind. Although my only one glare towards him was enough to shut him up.

"What? No, nonono sir. This was just delivered to our house when I was bringing your things. It was addressed to Sir Pete. Since he wasn't there I decided to bring it here for him. I thought it was your gift Khun Vegas."

My blood started to boil and I immediately opened the card, though I wish I didn't. I crumbled the card in my anger. To say I was extremely angry was an understatement.

"Burn these flowers." I could barely make a sentence with all this anger.

"What is it Vegas? Are you okay?" Pete said as he caressed my cheeks.

"Jap", I could only utter a single word but I know I didn't need to explain any further.


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