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Vegas' P.O.V

The photos Nop showed us were truly disturbing, even for me. I think part of the reason I flinched when I saw those photos was because of their resemblance to Pete.

Although I'm no stranger to bloodshed and gore, mostly inflicted through my own hands, and have always been indifferent to it, but even a single scratch on Pete makes me wince, hurting my heart and soul both.

I knew Pete would be traumatized if he saw these images. I know he has dealt with bloodshed before but not to this extreme. I was about to give back the phone to Nop when Pete took it from my hands.

"What the fuck!" Pete silently cursed and I felt a stab in my chest in fear of what was about to come. But even after the phone was passed around by everyone and even till the meeting concluded Pete said nothing else.

Pete usually is an open book around me but surprisingly I couldn't read his emotions today. He face was blank, devoid of any emotion and his body was numb. I couldn't decipher what he was thinking.

Immediately after the meeting ended, Pete excused himself. I waited around for five minutes before I went to him. I thought he needed some space, but I couldn't bear to wait, knowing he was in pain and I wasn't with him.

When I reached our room I slowly opened the door and went in. He was laying down on the sofa and as I got near him, I was able to hear his faint sobs.

I sat in front of him and caressed his cheeks. Few new tears silently slipped from the corners of his eyes as I gently wiped them off.

I expressed how sorry I was for letting him see that. As usual he says it's not my fault but the guilt is eating me up alive.

I promise Pete I'll take revenge for each teardrop you shed. I internally made him a promise.

I could see his tired eyes smiling at me and wanted him to get some rest so I could work on what to do next but Pete didn't want me to go and there's no way in hell I'd miss any chance to hold or be close to my baby.

I work up at late night hours but Pete was still sleeping. Since he hasn't eaten anything I decided to make something for him to eat. He'd hungry when he wakes up.

I was about to finish cooking when Pete woke up. I told I was making something for him to eat but all he cared about was if I had eaten too. I smiled at his concern; I wasn't hungry but couldn't tell Pete so because he'll refuse to eat too.

So I lied twice even though I didn't want to. I teased him a little so he'd be distracted and finally have his meal, which he eventually did.

"Vegas..." Pete's voice was so low that if I didn't have my mind on him I'd absentmindedly ignored it.

"Yes love" I stopped what I was doing to turn my attention towards him. He had his head hung low and his arms crossed over on the marble island.

"Pete?" I worryingly put a hand on his shoulder as he didn't answer me back.

"Ah...I..." He paused for a little while, then continued on with his coarse voice, "Vegas when will this all end?"

He couldn't even look me in the eye as  if he had taken on guilt of these incidences, which made my heart ache even more.

"Soon baby, very soon." I say as I place a soft kiss on his temple.

"Let's go get some rest. We've to wake up early tomorrow."

Pete only nodded in response. Not wanting to escalate his guilt any further I decided to not talk about this topic anymore.

I took his hand into mine and guided him towards our temporary room. Once inside Pete went in to take a quick shower while I finished some pending business.

After he finished his shower, I closed my laptop too. Pete slid next to me as I snaked my arms around his waist bringing him closer to me. I laid my head in the crook of his neck, sniffing his scent which slowly drifted me to sleep.

The next morning when I opened my eyes Pete was no longer in the bed. I faintly heard the shower running, indicating that he was indeed in there. I don't know why but I breathed in a sign of relief.

Soon afterwards I took a shower too and we went downstairs to have our breakfast. The house was quiet and peaceful which I was thankful for.

Downstairs maids had already prepared the breakfast ever though it was quiet early. Pete and I thanked them, then had our breakfast in comfortable silence.

But the peace and quiet didn't last long as Khun No came to have is breakfast. Even though Khun No had always had his breakfast and lunch in his room, his habit has drastically changed. Now he always insists on have breakfast with the family, granted Pete is there with him.

I was told since Pete came to me, Khun No had gone back to his old routine but now that Pete's here, he's here. God is there anyone who isn't obsessed with my baby? Admittedly I did get a little jealous.

Khun No rushed towards the table as soon as he saw Pete and took a seat next to him. Pete only gave him a weak smile and surprisingly Khun No didn't say a word just smiled back and started eating his breakfast.

One by one everyone started to fill the room, to have their share of first food of the day. Even though only family or important members are allowed here, it seemed quite crowded here today.

After everyone had their breakfast, I asked Kinn to arrange a meeting with everyone. He looked quite puzzled.

"A meeting? Why? Did you find anything else?"

I gave him a blank stare before continuing , "Even better; we're going to destroy Jap."

I could feel the stares as soon as the words left my mouth. It felt as if the time had stopped but I didn't care. It was time to put my plan into action.


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What do you think Vegas plans to do?
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Hi guys? How are y'all? How was the chapter?What do you think Vegas plans to do? Please don't forget to like and comment 🥰

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