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Vegas' P.O.V

After listening to Nop and Pete I do get the idea of how they're connected but what's his reason for all of this and why did he kidnap Porchay if his target was actually Pete? I can't seem to find answers and it's making me lose my mind.

"I think we should stop for now. I bet all of us are tired so let's have a break. You people can rest for sometime. This probably won't stop for a while." Khun Korn said, suddenly interrupting my thoughts.

Everyone just nodded in agreement and one by one silently left the room.
Pete briefly looked at me before getting dragged out by Porche. Kinn gave me an assuring pat on my shoulder and left.

All that who was left were khun Korn and I. We sat in silence for a while then I spoke calmly, because there was no use riling him up.

"Did you do this?"

"I can't believe my own nephew is accusing me right now."

"Cut the bullshit, it's just you and me now. You don't have to pretend, just be honest for once. Although I know I might be asking for too much." I looked him in the eye and he stared right back then chuckled.

"You should've been my son - so clever and cunning."

"You haven't seen everything." I warn him.

"I know. If only my sons or your father had half a brain as yours. Alas! Nothing can be done. You might be clever but that all that you are. You have no power so you don't intimidate me."

"Answer my question." I know my presence only cause him slight anxiety when my father was alive. There was a chance, if only a speck of it. Although I didn't have much power, he knew if I had taken that opportunity major family would've been destroyed long also. But I became a coward just like my father and now I have no power so he's carefree.

"Fine." He stands up, walks towards the windows and stares at something I can't see, "No I have no hand in it. If I wanted to cause Pete harm I would've done it a long time ago. I know he's your ultimate weakness."

I clenched my fists as he continued, "besides hurting Pete or Porchay would do me no good. Everyone adores them if something happened to them everyone would be thirsty for blood and you're clever enough to know why I wouldn't want that."

Although I'm angry that he sees people as just commodities but he's right. He's too calculative and wouldn't want to afford such a loss. But I for my own good know that I shouldn't trust him.

I sigh and leave the conference room. On the way out I saw Arm and asked him where everyone was. He told me they were all in the lounge area but it's better I don't go there. I was confused but before I could ask what he meant by that someone called him and he left.

I ignored his warning and went to the lounge area where my Pete was.

The moment I entered I was greeted by an unsightly look. Khun No was standing on a box holding a microphone connected to a large speaker.

I scoffed at his antics and moved my sight towards the left of the monotonous lounge and my mood was instantly lifted. Without wasting any time I walked, no, almost sprinted, towards him.

He was looking at Khun No and shaking his head too distracted to notice me. I didn't like that so I sat next to him and he instantly noticed my presence, smiled and leaned back on my chest.

I wrapped my left arm around his waist. "What's he up to now?" I ask Pete. But instead of answering he points out to a banner and all my questions were answered.

There on the ground on Khun No's left side was a huge banner that I somehow missed when I first came. It was a plain white banner with "Pete support group" written on it, in huge bold letters.

I sighed again and shook my head in disbelief just as Pete had done, now I know why.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I excused myself. On checking I saw that it was Nop. I picked up the call and Nop said he called to tell me that he found new info about Jap.

I told him to come to the lounge area so we could discuss it furthermore. In any other circumstances I would've never discussed my plans like this but to protect Pete the more these people know the better.

Although I hate most of them I can't deny that they truly care about Pete and if we're in a situation where Pete's in danger then they would do anything to protect him. So I've to keep my ego aside for this one.

Nop came after five minutes and I told everyone to gather around. Once we all were seated Nop began telling us more details that he found. He told us that even though they got the info about Jap he had sent more informants to get more information.

Most of the informants failed but one of them just confirmed few details about him and that's what Nop was here to tell us.

Nop began with the fact that after through investigation they found the woman who lived with Jap was actually his mother and not his aunt. Just like Pete had said.

He also said that he had previously talked to Jap's neighbours of that time when he lived there and they said they didn't know much. They'd also searched the whole house but couldn't find anything.

But when they there for the second time one of the men discovered something strange. They moved the bed to check if there's anything under it and found the carpet cut in a square shape. Like it was carefully cut them placed back to hide something.

When they pulled it apart they found a square door which led to a secret passage which eventually led to another passage leading to two rooms with steel door frames.

According to Nop when they lit up the room the results were horrifying. He then pulled out his phone from his back pocket, seached somthing and then gave it to me.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I was truly horrified. Even for me the scene seemed too gruesome. Before I could fully process it Pete took the phone from my hands and his eyes immediately widened

"What the fuck?"


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