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The Race Of A Lifetime

6k words

Warnings: child abuse, blood, shit government, mentions of death, dealing with the aftermath of death, angst.


"Damn it all!" A woman with short red hair exclaims, slamming her fist on the side of her ship. Rama Tara, bounty, 54 million berri's.

"What's wrong boss?" Amise Akkoko, bounty, 35.7 million berri's. He places what he thought was a comforting hand on his captains shoulders and she slaps it away.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you this down in a while." Unagi Hontise, bounty, 20.1 million berri's.

Rama Tara smacks her head against the ship. "I was just thinking about that Celestial Dragon kid again. If her mother hadn't gotten in the way we'd be six years away from taking over the entire world!"

"Don't worry about the past boss. We're on a beautiful island in the East Blue, let's enjoy it." Akkoko gestures to the beautiful Dawn Island with a smile.

Rama Tara reluctantly agrees to this and hops off her ship. She spends the rest of the day with her second and third in command carrying her shopping bags. When it came to clothes she had no shortage of money to spend on it.

She was heading back to her ship when her eyes caught sight of something familiar. There was a girl standing at the stone barrier that kept people from falling over. Her hair was swaying in the wind giving Tara the perfect sight of the tattoo on her back. A golden dragon surrounded by stars.

A gasp goes through her lips before a wicked smirk overtakes her features. She would know that tattoo anywhere as it practically haunted her nightmares. Missed opportunities. But when one door closes, another one opens. While the kid was way too old for her to willingly be under her control now, she could still get some use out of it.

Tara practically skips back to the ship with the smirk still on her face. Her eyes were dangerous and held a glint of mischievousness in them. Her second and third in command came up from her quarters after putting away her stuff to see their giddy captain.

"Guess who just saw our little Celestial Dragon at the town plaza?" She practically sings with a giggle.

The boys' eyes go wide. "No way," Hontise breaths out in shock. "Are you sure it was her?" He had to double check just in case.

"I know no other child with that exact same tattoo. So yes, I'm sure."

Akkoko picks up his sword, "then let's go capture her!"

Tara held her hands in front of her to stop the boy before he got carried away. "We can't do that. She's too old to be willingly controlled now and if we capture her as ransom, the government will never stop chasing us until we die." Tara explains and watches as Akkoko puts down his sword.

"Then whats the plan?" Hontise asks with a devious gaze.

"Isn't it obvious?" Tara questions the men who shrug in response. "We sell her location to the World Government and in exchange we are pardoned from being runaway slaves. As runaway slaves we haven't made as big a name for ourselves as we would've liked. We've mostly been working under the radar in fear of them capturing us and returning us to the Celestial Dragons. We'll never achieve our goals like this. We need to live our lives as just pirates, and the only way to do that... is through her!"

Akkoko and Hontise cheer at what their captain says. Some of the men who overheard the conversation cheered as well since they were all also runaway slaves. Life at sea wasn't a hard one, especially when knowing being caught by the Marines would lead to a life of enslavement again.

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