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Belle Of The Ball

6.9k words

Warnings: death threats, depictions of murder, blood, perverts, human rights revoked, mentions of slaves, swearing.


After my announcement, people were eager to meet with me; especially potential suitors. Bastard took my hand and guided me around to some crystal encrusted throne where we sat side by side. Noble men walked up to me and tried their best to impress me and the bastard.

It wasn't going to work. Not when my light was walking somewhere amongst this dreaded darkness.

At some point I was forced to get up and start dancing with them. I yawned as my current dance partner was telling a story about how many houses he owned. It's so boring but I had to be polite. "There is a small secluded house on an island in the South Blue-"

"I'm terribly sorry," a man in a fedora interrupts us and we stop dancing to look at him. "But the lady doesn't seem interested, mind if I step in."

My current dance partner sticks up his nose and huffs. He lets go of my waist and snootily walks away. It was almost comical.

I don't bother to reply to fedora as I've dubbed him. People have been trying to get to know me all night but my face remained stoic. Some would ramble on about themselves. Others would try and get me to crack a smile or laugh by telling a joke.

None of it worked.

I typically don't like to define people by the way they look but damn a lot of them were ugly. Double whammy because they were ugly inside and out. They really had nothing going for them except their status. I may be being picky for just picking someone for the bastards sake, but that didn't mean I wanted to be annoyed by them for the rest of the night.

If I heard that King talk about any more houses I'd go insane.

I curtsy to the man in front of me while he bows back. We picked up where the song left off and fall into pace with the rest of the couples.

Every chance I had I'd let my eyes wander around the room and try to find Ace. It was no good though as the ballroom was so large and packed with people from every kingdom.

"I couldn't help but notice you're not as into this as everyone first perceived you'd be." Fedora spoke up while twirling me into his arms so my back was against his chest with his arms wrapped around mine.

"I didn't have a choice in the matter here." I shortly reply and he spins me around so we're facing each other again.

He hums in response. Looking at him fully, I could say he was a good looking guy. Long honey brown hair and bright purple eyes that tried to read into my soul. And from what I've seen he took a clue more then all the other idiot men here.

Though he's not as handsome as Ace by a long shot, he has potential.

"Is that why the Princess has been trapped in her palace? Not taking too well to the royal lifestyle?"

Odd observation but it's spot on.

Something about fedora was off though. I just didn't know what yet. Maybe I was being paranoid because he's actually talking to me like a person unlike the rest of them. Not like some prize to be won or object to be flaunted. I push the doubts to the back of my head.

"You have no idea," I sigh.

Fedoras purple eyes dart around the room before they zero in on something. He sends me a smirk and excuses himself to go do something else. His body disappearing behind everyone else and I roll my neck, trying to release the stress before my next partner gets here.

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