Bitch On Board

5.3k words

Warning: cursing, blood, desire to murder.


My body was shuddering in the dirt. I'm freezing cold which is a sensation I wasn't use to always being beside Ace. My thin clothes didn't help either, surly stained and ripped from when I forced myself past that thorn bush. I wasn't positive, but I think I was bleeding as something that felt similar to crust littered my body.

The concept of time wasn't a thing to me anymore. My surroundings didn't matter and the overwhelming sadness made me numb after dwelling in it for what I assume is a couple hours. Though to me, it felt like an eternity. I couldn't feel anything, all I knew was my heart hurt and I didn't want to think about it anymore. And when I thought about it too much, a sharp pain rushed to my head forcing me to go blank and feel nothing but pain and sleepiness.

I was freezing cold, and at the same time I'm burning hot. I couldn't tell if I wanted to rip off all my clothes or wrap myself under whatever blanket Whitebeard uses at winter islands. Sweat drips down my entire body and my breathing was labored and heavy. If someone focused long enough, they'd hear me. Not that I care anymore.

My ears picked up shuffling outside my little secret oasis and someone calling my name. I couldn't make out the voice as it sounded underwater. Unintelligible but I knew for a fact that the voice was saying my name with the familiarity of it. It was getting closer by the minute but I don't move from my spot. I had no energy in me to. If I did I'd probably run like hell to get away.

There's shuffling, some curses, and the crunching of footsteps coming my way. There's a shaking to my body that wasn't naturally coming from me. It was too hard and the soft pressure on my flesh told me someone was there. It hurt my head and when I let out a groan, the person stopped. I force my eyes to squint open and see a blurry figure with orange on top.

Hands are under my body sending familiar shocks across my skin. I feel my body being hoisted off the ground and set comfortably in warm arms. "Y/n! Angel stay awake, okay?"

"Ace..." I mumble, my vision coming in clear and the pounding in my head becoming a terrible nuisance.

His hand is placed on my forehead before pulling it back with a hiss. "You're running a high fever, shit!" He starts walking and I close my eyes shut when the sunlight reaches them. "Gotta get you back to the ship."

I weakly put my hand up and push against his face hearing him grunt. "Go away. I don't want to see your face." I breath out feeling him put my hand back to my side.

"Please stop struggling." I don't listen and start squirming my body in his grip to make it more difficult for him. It hurt me ten times more then him anyway as the headache came back searing. "I may accidentally drop you!"

"At least make it off a cliff." The rise and fall of my chest was slow. I peak open my eyes to see Ace looking concerned and serious.

"So you can what? Kill yourself?" He grits his teeth as the pace to the Moby Dick becomes faster. He wasn't running yet from what I could tell, but was definitely getting close to it.

I roll my eyes exasperated. "You already pushed me off it once, what's the difference in doing it a second time?" A singular sad tear drops from my eye and rolls down my cheek.

Ace's eyes widen like I've lost my head before I can see he's registered what I said. "The first time was a nightmare. I never actually did that." He defends himself.

"Felt real enough to me," I grumble as a wave of exhaustion hits me and I move around as one last attempt to get out of his grip. I'm still mad at him.

A Dragons Fire [Portgas D. Ace x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now