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Secret Letters

5.3k words

Warnings: mentions of death, light angst, majority fluff


A loud howling woke me up early in the morning. A low irritated groan comes from beside me. I peak open my eyes to the harsh early morning light which replaced the darkness that encompassed me like a blanket. We hadn't closed the blinds last night which was a mistake on our part. We were just tired from celebrating whatever accomplishment my mother made and went to bed in our undergarments.

It's been months since I ordered Akainu to die a slow and painful death. And judging from the fact that the Marines put up missing posters which I had previously seen when we were on Whitebeards ship, I knew he was officially out of our lives and I could stop worrying about it.

I felt no guilt to what I'd done. I had no other option if I needed justification but I didn't. I really wanted Akainu dead, so I killed him. Plain and simple. Not the first person I killed and certainly won't be the last.

Besides, so many things have happened since that day. Ace and I have had countless adventures, made funny memories and lifelong experiences we'll never forget. Just like in the simulation, we went to the same island, kissed in front of the tree, and took a yellow glass flower. One which sat on my bedside table and the other which sat on Ace's in Whitebeards ship.

There's gentle chimes which caught my attention. I look outside to see sparkles falling from the sky and gasp, completely awake. "Ace wake up! Today's butterfly migration day!" I straddle his torso and shake his shoulders in to the bed creating a creaking noise.

Ace groans with his eyes still closed and mumbles out an answer. "Let me sleep."

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I chant pushing his upper body into the mattress.

"No." He grumbles firmly having no part of this.

Too bad I wasn't one to give up. "Ace," I whine. That's when I use my whole body to bounce on him pushing his entire body into the mattress with each word. "Get. Up. Get. Up. Get up."

"Okay I'm up!" He exclaims moving his body in an upward direction. His bear chest pushing up against my bra clad breasts. His hair was all over the place and sleep laced the corner of his eyes. Ace rests his hands on my lower hips and yawns. "Morning angel." His deep raspy morning voice comes out.

"Good morning." I beam at him and go for a quick kiss which Ace tried to deepen but I pulled away and got out of his grip. I roll off the bed and put my hands on my hips. "Now hurry up and get dressed, we need to get to the palace as quickly as possible."

Ace looks confused and rubs his tired eyes threatening to shut on me at any given second. "For what?"

"I already told you. Todays butterfly migration day. We help them rest and regain their strength cause they came from the other side of the Calm Belt. Our island is the only stopping point for them as they head further up north. This is done twice a year every year and we just so happen to be here this time." I throw on some shorts and a long shirt.

When I turn I see Ace standing up in only his boxers and slowly heading towards his pants. I'm practically bouncing off the walls and he is acting like a sleep deprived zombie. Which doesn't make sense as Ace takes the fastest naps at the most random time because of his narcolepsy. It's been getting a lot better but he still has his moments.  Not that I'm complaining, I find it cute when it doesn't happen in the middle of life threatening moments.

"Why are you so hyper?" Ace steps into the legs of his shorts. 

"This is the most beautiful day of the year on the island. And fun. You'll love it, trust me."

A Dragons Fire [Portgas D. Ace x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now