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Keeping A Promise

6.2k words

Warnings: cursing, mentions of fighting, blood, mentions of death.


Life on the Amazon Lily went back to normal once the Whitebeard pirates left about two months ago. No one else has tried to invade our island and no ships have been spotted anywhere near our shores. Still, guard routines have become much stricter and so has training. Every Kuja was told training every day was mandatory unless they were too old or too young to take part in it. Mother mostly ran the training sessions but some days either my aunts or myself would take over so she could have a break. It was hard work but the improvements we've made in such little time were drastic. Some of the more stubborn children even convinced us to let them begin their training early.

There was a new sense of vigour in all of us to make sure nothing like that could ever happen again. We would make sure of it.

Also we were training for war against Blackbeard. This was what was originally suppose to happen when we first returned but got put off because of another enemy. He made an enemy out of the Kuja and once the women learned of this I have never seen them more ferocious. Kidnapping the Snake Queen is a number one offense in their books which only pushed their training harder.

I sat on my couch with a sigh. The newspaper thrown on the floor in defeat. Theres the crackling of the fireplace; the only constant sound that could be heard out in these woods. I shift my body so I'm laying down on the couch and looking at the burning embers.

They say no news was good news, but in this case no news left me with just my thoughts and my mind racing. It would go to the most horrible places causing me to hyperventilate and have to remind myself that it was just in my head. That annoying little voice at the back of my head told me it could be true which didn't help me in the slightest. If only I had one article, if only one newspaper talked about him I'd be alright.

There were many articles coming out about the nameless organization trying to take out the most powerful man in the world; Whitebeard. Obviously that meant his crew would be fighting against the threat and boy did they ever. The articles all said the same thing, it was a bloody and messy battle civilians wouldn't want to get caught up in. And civilians on nearby islands abandoned their homes because they were too close to the fighting.

It was so bad the Marines even showed up; Grandpa even showed up along with a few other Vice Admirals and Admirals to try their hand at taking down Whitebeard and the unknown organization. This organization was now deemed to be a threat to the World Government with just how many people and how many pirate alliances were formed for this goal. I really hoped grandpa caught all of them.

The ring on my forth finger dazzled with the light and depression took over me. No news outlet said how the battle finished and none of them had news regarding Ace. It put me on edge because realistically after Whitebeard himself, Ace should be getting the most attention from the press. After the war of the best, it's not hard to believe that every paper wants an exclusive on the son of the King of the Pirates.

Ace's identity forever being known as that and a couple other things.

Whitebeard's second division commander, Fire Fist Ace, former captain of the Spade pirates, and most recently-much to my disgust-the 'Celestial Dragons Plaything' or the 'Psycho Pyro' referring to all the damage he caused when I wasn't around but everyone thought I was still kidnapped by him.

Yet for some reason I couldn't find one paper mentioning his name. Even going back to when it first started I saw nothing on Ace. Marco had been mentioned so I know he got back to Whitebeard safely but that's it. It's been two months of radio silence and I hate it. He was in such a hurry to leave we didn't have enough thought to get snails and secure a private line so we could talk.

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