Sail Away

5.3k words

Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of drug abuse, past trauma, cursing.


First Persons POV

After our group exhausted our brains trying to figure out an answer as to who was behind this and why they were doing it, we had no leads or clues to go from. All of Peckta's men took the same drug as him so none of them were left alive and it was impossible to revive them.

The only thing we gathered was this wasn't over so mother was implementing new rules and stricter security and training. Our enemy was clearly strong and recruited people with rare devil fruits so we needed to be stronger. We were going to be on our toes for a long time until this enemy decided to fight us head on-if they decided to fight us head on. We still don't know if that is their true intention which it didn't seem like.

But whatever, we'll worry about it when the time comes.

Ace and I were walking through the forest with a picnic basket. A little date to flush out the bad memories was needed. I even wore a cute sun hat to match him.

The clearing we found was perfect for our date. Ace rolls out the checkered blanket with a bow and gestures me to sit on it first like a polite gentleman. "My lady."

I giggle curtseying holding the sides of my long white dress, "thank you kind sir." Taking a seat on the blanket, Ace sits beside me right after I unravel the saran wrapped sandwich and hold it out to him. "Say aww," I open my mouth slightly and he opens his so I can place the sandwich on his lips. I only intended for him to take a bite but I shouldn't have been surprised when the entire thing disappeared from my hand in a matter of seconds.

Complaining would do me no good, especially since my heart melted from his cute face seeming so content on eating the food.

Until he face planted onto the blanket dead asleep.

I don't bother to wake him up because it wouldn't work. Ace will wake up whenever he feels like waking up and not a second sooner. Instead I lay out the rest of our picnic on the blanket and miraculously, right when I finish, his sleep bubble pops and he goes back to devouring the food.

He mumbles something out with his mouth full but it was impossible to tell what he was saying. I motion him to say it again which he does with his mouth still stuffed. Wild hand gestures and all, I still couldn't figure it out.

"Swallow first and then say it," I tell him.

Ace grabs a bottle of water, squeezes majority of the contents past his lips while some drizzle down his cheeks, holds his throat and with a red face, gulps down everything he had in his mouth. "Phew!" Ace pants to regain his breath.

I couldn't help but think if he ate less he wouldn't have that problem. But asking Ace to do that was like asking a fish to discover the secrets of life; impossible.

"What I was trying to say is, do you know what happened to Luffy? There hasn't been any reports of him for the past year so I'm a little worried about the guy."

"Oh that's right, you wouldn't know. After the war of the best, mother took him here with Jimbei on his friends..." that didn't seem like the right word so I tried again, "allies-I'm not sure. Someone from the Worst Generations ship whose a doctor and treated Luffy's extensive life threatening injuries. I don't know his name though."

"More then likely it's the surgeon of death, Trafalgar Law. He just became a Warlord after apparently gifting the government crates full of criminals hearts." Ace swallows a red apple whole, seeds and all.

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